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Page 67


VII. Shakespeare, as a Dramatic Artist.

This course, extending from September 15, to December 16, is
intended to trace the development of Shakespeare's literary powers
and to inculcate a full and reverential appreciation of his mind and
art. His Sonnets will be studied in so far as they throw light upon his
development, reveal the influences active in his work, or mark the
stages of his progress, but the main effort of the class will be directed
to a careful analysis of the dramatic structure and literary values of
the leading plays and to the comprehension and enjoyment of these

Text-Books.—Lee's Life of William Shakespeare; Globe Edition of Shakespeare's
Complete Works; Kent's Shakespeare Note-Book. In addition, for
the plays studied in class single annotated volumes will be strongly recommended.

III. British Essayists from Bacon to Burke.

This course, extending from January 2, to March 10, is intended
to acquaint the student both with the subject-matter treated by the
essayists studied and with the developing form of the essays themselves.

There will be no special text-book but the essays themselves will of
course be read, in editions available in the University Library.

V. Tennyson, the Representative Poet of the Nineteenth Century.

This course, extending from March 19 to June 1, will contain a
rapid survey of English Poetry with emphasis on Eighteenth Century
Classicism; a review of Romanticism as illustrated by Cowper,
Burns, and others; and a special study of Tennyson's relation to his
century. Tennyson's poetry will be taken up chronologically but of
the longer poems only In Memoriam and The Princess will be closely

Text-Books.—The works of Tennyson; Rolfe's Edition of the In Memoriam;
Cook's Edition of The Princess.

Essays and Dissertation.—Besides the written exercises and studies
in this course there will be required two essays and a dissertation. The
essays, due October 21 and February 15, respectively, will treat some
literary themes preferably such as are suggested by the class work.
The dissertation must show independent and original investigation
of some limited theme selected with the Professor's approval. The
subject of the dissertation must be recorded by January 15, and the
dissertation itself be handed in by May 15.