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On Hearing of the Attack Made by the British Captain Douglas, of the Navy, on the Chesapeake, Commanded by Commodore Barron, in June, 1807, Near Cape Henry
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On Hearing of the Attack Made by the British Captain Douglas, of the Navy, on the Chesapeake, Commanded by Commodore Barron, in June, 1807, Near Cape Henry

Tyrant! again, we hear thy hostile voice!
Again, upon our coast thy cannons roar!
For peace, again, thou leavest us no choice!
Again, we hurl defiance from our shore.
Hast thou forgot the day that Warren bled,
While hecatombs around were sacrificed?
Hast thou forgot thy legions captive led?
Thy navies blasted, by a foe despised?
Or, think'st thou we've forgot our brothers slain!
Our aged fathers weltering in their gore!
Our widowed mothers, on their knee, in vain,
Their violated daughters' fate deplore!
Our towns in ashes laid! Our fields on fire!
Our wives and children flying from the foe!
Ourselves in battle ready to expire:
Yet struggling still to strike one other blow!
Know then this day recalls the whole!
Now, hear our solemn, and determined voice:
In vain proud tyrant! shall thy thunders roll;
Since, once more, victory or death's our choice.
July 2, 1807