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Lines, Supposed to Have Been Found Upon the Palace Green at Williamsburg On May Day, 1816
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Lines, Supposed to Have Been Found Upon the Palace Green at Williamsburg On May Day, 1816

O! what a pleasure's in the town,
To the world, how little known!
Pleasures, which there is no telling:
Pleasures, which there is no knowing!
When the belles are off, a-beau-ing,
And the beaus are off a-belle-ing.
O! the sweet, bewitching scene,
Palace grounds, or college green,
When the beaus, and belles, assembling;
Beaus, their secret thoughts confiding;
Belles, their smiles, and blushes hiding,
Frowns, and careless looks dissembling.
O! the dear enchanting sight,
When at parties, just at night,
Beaus, and belles, in pairs advancing;
Beaus their willing partners handing,
Beaus and belles on tiptoe standing,
Music striking, all a-dancing!
O! how charming in the church!
Beaus and belles in gallery perch;
As to hear a reverend preacher:
Beaus and belles their eyes a-keeping
Beaus through veils, and fans, a-peeping;
Little love the only teacher!
May, 1816