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A mastif whelp with other ruff-Island-lik Currs fetcht from amongst the Antipedes

Which bite and barke at the fantasticall humorists and abusers of the time [by William Goddard]

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Satire 73.
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Satire 73.

[Proudus th'art not (soe far as I can see)]

Proudus th'art not (soe far as I can see)
In outward shewe, what inward thou maist bee.
Although th'art all in raggs, yet I doe finde,
Vnder those raggs a whole Emperiall minde.
Fewe big-fast Lordes: push, of Lordes what doe I prate?
Fewe Kinges cann looke soe bigg as thou of late.
In faith (but I'me to bould) hadst thou but pelfe.
Speake great-smale-man, what would'st thinke on thy selfe?
A man? a Earthly man? noe: thoughts would breede
Thou wert engendred of some heaunlie seed.
I faith, (but tell mee) sometimes dust not gesse
That Iupiter vnto thy Mother had accesse?
I know great-thoughted-man by thy lookes straine
That such high thoughts, thy braue harte dus maintaine-
Well still looke great, and one daie thou shalt see,
A greate purse to thy lookes, will answer thee,