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Rvbbe, and A great Cast

Epigrams. By Thomas Freeman

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Epigram. 63. Uiue tibi. Eidem.
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Epigram. 63. Uiue tibi. Eidem.

Looke to thy selfe, and learne to liue at home,
Haue fellowship henceforth with few or none,
See, see, to what a passe the world is come,
Friendship abides not, bee thy fortunes gone,
Be thou like Winter that like Sommer wast,
The Swallowes flie that flockt before so fast:
Friends swim, like fishes, as the streame doth run,
And like slye serpents lurke in fairest greene,
They onely reuerence the rising Sunne,
Scarse looking to'ards him, when he doth decline;
'Tis wealth preserues good will, that from thee taken,
Thou that wast followed shalt be soone forsaken:
Nay marke cu'n now; the very Bird of loue,
Betakes her selfe vnto the fairest building;
And her owne home abandoneth the Doue,

Fugium ad candida tecta. Columbæ.

If once she sees it ruinous and yeelding,
No maruell then, though faith faile in the triall,
When loues true Turtle is turn'd thus disloyall.

This vile Hart-gnawing Vultur-Age then flye,
Feed not the Hounds whose teeth may after teare thee,
Let not the serpent in thy bosome lye,
Lest stinging, thou repent he lay so neere thee:
Be thine owne neighbour; and be this thy doome,
To looke vnto thy selfe, to liue at Home.