University of Virginia Library

Tutti in one, two and three parts.

It often happens that a moderately full orchestral ensemble executes
a passage composed of one or two harmonic parts, in unison
or in octaves. Such melodic phrases call for more or less simple
orchestration with the usual doubling of parts, or, in ornamental
writing, admit of contrast in tone colouring, occasionally with the
addition of sustained notes.


  • Snegourotchka, before 152, 174, 176.
  • The Tsar's Bride 120-121(cf. Ex. 63).
  • The Golden Cockerel 215.
  • * No.219-221. Legend of Kitesh 142, 144, 147 — 3 part
    Tutti, with different scoring.
  • * Legend of Kitesh 138, 139Tutti in one part.