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The complete works of Han Fei tzu

... a classic of Chinese political science.

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collapse sectionXLVIII. 
4. Enforcing the System of Three Units and Basic Fives
collapse section19. 
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4. Enforcing the System of Three Units and Basic Fives[34]

The system of "three units and basic fives" means to
choose the plan held by the majority when different opinions
are subsumed under three categories, and to organize basic
groups of five families and implicate all the members of each
group in any member's misconduct. Thus, the comparison
of different opinions always differentiates the majority and
the minority from each other; the organization of groups of
five families always holds members of the same group jointly
responsible[35] . If not differentiated, they would profane the
superior's authority; if not held responsible, they would
co-operate in evil doings.[36] Therefore, the ruler should differentiate
them when their number is still small and can be easily
known. When angry, he should censure only the culprits
but not their relatives. His position of observing deeds and
heeding speeches is demonstrated by his punishing[37] all clique


members, rewarding non-partisans[38] , censuring women[39]
interviewers, and convicting their adherents. Regarding the
diverse opinions uttered simultaneously, he should estimate
them in the light of their backgrounds, scrutinize them with
the principles of heaven, verify them by the course of affairs,
and compare them with the sentiments of mankind. If these
four demonstrations coincide with one another, then the ruler
may proceed to observe deeds.

Compare different words and thereby know the true one.
Change[40] the perspectives and thereby detect[41] the choice
abode. Stick to your own view and thereby hold your
extraordinary[42] standpoint. Unify the system of personnel
administration and thereby warn the courtiers.[43] Dignify your
words and thereby scare distant officials. Cite the past facts
and thereby check the antecedent words. Keep detectives
near by the officials and thereby know their inner conditions.
Send detectives[44] afar and thereby know outer affairs.
Hold to your clear knowledge and thereby inquire into
obscure objects. Give ministers false encouragements and
thereby extirpate their attempts to infringe on the ruler's
rights. Invert your words and thereby try out the suspects.
Use contradictory arguments[45] and thereby find out the
invisible culprits. Establish the system of espionage[46] and


thereby rectify the fraudulent[47] people. Make appointments
and dismissals and thereby observe the reactions of wicked
officials. Speak explicitly and thereby persuade people to
avoid faults. Humbly follow others' speeches and thereby
discriminate between earnest men and flatterers. Get information
from everybody and know things you have not yet
seen. Create quarrels among adherents and partisans
and thereby disperse them. Explore the depths of one culprit
and thereby warn the mind of the many. Divulge false ideas
and thereby make the inferiors think matters over.

In the case of similarities and resemblances, identify their
common points. When stating anybody's faults, grasp the
causes, know the due penalties,[48] and thereby justify[49] the
exercise of your authority. Send out spies in secret to inspect
the enemy states from time to time and thereby find their signs
of decay. Gradually change envoys sent abroad and thereby
break up their secret communications and private friendships
with foreign states. Put every subordinate under surveillance
by his immediate principal. Thus, ministers discipline their
vassals; vassals discipline their dependents; soldiers and
officials discipline their troops; envoys discipline their
deputies; prefects discipline their subordinates; courtiers
discipline their attendants; and queens and concubines
discipline their court maids. Such is said to be "the systematic
thorough way"[50] .

If words are divulged and affairs leak out, then no statecraft
will function at all.


[OMITTED] here refers to [OMITTED]. Cf. Supra, XXXI, p. 5, f. 2.


With Kao Hêng [OMITTED] in both cases should be [OMITTED].


With Kao [OMITTED] stands for [OMITTED] meaning [OMITTED].


Kao proposed the supply of [OMITTED] above [OMITTED].


With Kao and Lu Wên-shao [OMITTED] below [OMITTED] is superfluous.


With Kao [OMITTED] means [OMITTED].


With Wang Hsien-shen [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


With Wang [OMITTED] should read [OMITTED].


Hirazawa proposed [OMITTED] for [OMITTED]. To me the change is unnecessary.


With Kao Hêng [OMITTED] above [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED] which means [OMITTED].


With Yü Yüeh [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


With Yü [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


Wang Wei read [OMITTED] for [OMITTED].


Wang Hsien-ch`ien read [OMITTED] for [OMITTED].


With Kao Hêng [OMITTED] refers to [OMITTED] which is synonymous with [OMITTED].


With Kao [OMITTED] above [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].
