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Paul B. Barringer, M. D., LL. D.,
Chairman of the Faculty.


(In the order of official seniority.)



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Francis H. Smith, M. A., LL. D.,  V West Lawn. 
Professor of Natural Philosophy. 
Charles S. Venable, LL. D.,  110 Jefferson Street. 
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics. 
William E. Peters, LL. D.,  IX West Lawn. 
Professor of Latin. 
Noah K. Davis, M. A., Ph. D., LL. D.,  VII West Lawn. 
Professor of Moral Philosophy. 
William M. Fontaine, M. A.,  University Terrace. 
Professor of Natural History and Geology. 
Ormond Stone, M. A.,  Mount Jefferson. 
Professor of Practical Astronomy
and Director of the Leander McCormick Observatory. 
William M. Thornton, LL. D.,  Monroe Hill. 
Professor of Applied Mathematics. 
Francis P. Dunnington, B. S.,  University Heights. 
Professor of Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry. 
John W. Mallet, M. D., Ph. D., LL. D., F. R. S.,  Monroe Hill. 
Professor of Chemistry. 
Milton W. Humphreys, M. A., Ph. D., LL. D.,  Wertland. 
Professor of Greek. 
Albert H. Tuttle, M. S.,  I West Lawn. 
Professor of Biology and Agriculture. 
Paul B. Barringer, M. D., LL. D.,  University Terrace. 
Professor of Physiology and Materia Medica. 
Charles W. Kent, M. A., Ph. D.,  IV East Lawn. 
Professor of English Literature. 
William Minor Lile, B. L.,  X East Lawn. 
Professor of Law. 
William G. Christian, M. D.,  Preston Heights. 
Professor of Anatomy and Surgery. 
Augustus H. Buckmaster, M. D.,  Morea. 
Professor of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Practice of Medicine. 
James A. Harrison, L. H. D., LL. D,  II East Lawn. 
Professor of Teutonic Languages. 
William H. Echols, B. S., C. E.,  VIII East Lawn. 
Professor of Mathematics. 
Richard Heath Dabney, M. A, Ph D.,  Preston Heights. 
Professor of Historical and Economical Science. 
Charles Alfred Graves, M. A., LL. D.,  VI East Lawn. 
Professor of Law. 
John Staige Davis, M. A, M. D.,  Preston Heights. 
Professor of Pathology. 
Raleigh C. Minor, M. A., B. L.,  112 Fourteenth Street. 
Professor of Law. 
James Morris Page, A. M., Ph. D.,  University Heights. 
Associate Professor of Mathematics. 
Richard H. Wilson, M. A., Ph. D,  Montebello. 
Associate Professor of Romance Languages. 




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William A. Lambeth, M. D.,  Carr's Hill. 
Instructor in Physical Culture, Director of the Fayerweather Gymnasium,
and Lecturer on Hygiene.
Hugh T. Nelson, M. D.,  205 East High Street. 
Instructor in Clinical Surgery. 
Edward M. Magruder, M. D.,  102 West High Street. 
Instructor in Physical Diagnosis. 
William M. Randolph, M. D.,  101 West High Street. 
Instructor in Genito-Urinary Surgery. 
H. S. Hedges, M. A., M. D.,  Park Street. 
Instructor in Ophthalmic Surgery. 
Lyman Skeen, Jr., M. D.,  23 West Range. 
Demonstrator of Medical Biology and Pathology. 
C. Christopher Wright,  10 East Range. 
Assistant Instructor in Latin. 
William J. Humphreys, B. A., C. E., Ph. D.,  Physical Laboratory. 
Assistant Instructor in Physics. 
J. Walter Mayo,  Mechanical Laboratory. 
Assistant Instructor in Engineering. 
Charles A. Young, Ph. B.,  University Terrace. 
Assistant Instructor in Hebrew. 
James B. Bullitt, M. D.,  21 West Range. 
Demonstrator of Anatomy. 
J. Adair Lyon, M. A.,  Observatory. 
Student Assistant in Medical Physics. 
W. Walter Dinwiddie,  Charlottesville. 
Student Assistant in Rouss Laboratory and Workshop. 
Charles R. Thurman,  17 Carr's Hill. 
Student Assistant in Rouss Laboratory. 
George R. Livermore, M. D.,  19 West Range. 
Licentiate and Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. 
David R. Lyman, M. D.,  27 West Range. 
Licentiate and Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. 
Trigant Burrow, M. D.,  45 West Range. 
Licentiate and Assistant Demonstrator of Histology and Pathology. 
Cornelius C. Wholey, M. D.,  45 West Range. 
Licentiate and Assistant Demonstrator of Histology and Pathology. 
Holcomb McG. Robertson,  45 West Lawn. 
Assistant Demonstrator of Histology. 
John A. B. Sinclair,  Preston Heights. 
Assistant Demonstrator of Histology. 
T. Henry Brenneman,  Dispensary. 
Dispensary Pharmacist. 
Paul E. Ebersole,  Dispensary. 
Clinical Assistant in Medicine. 
William Wertenbaker,  Dispensary. 
Clinical Assistant in Medicine. 
Norborne P. Cocke,  Dispensary. 
Clinical Assistant in Surgery. 
William Leven Powell,  Dispensary. 
Clinical Assistant in Physical Diagnosis. 
Arthur F. Toole.  Dispensary. 
Clinical Assistant in Genito-Urinary Surgery. 
C. Morris Hawes,  Dispensary. 
Clinical Assistant in Ophthalmic Surgery. 




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James B. Green, B. L.,  The Parsonage. 
Licentiate in Law. 
John E. Williams, A. B., Ph. D.,  123 House B. 
Licentiate in Mathematics. 
Thomas B. McCartney, Jr., A. B.,  307 E. Market Street. 
Licentiate in Latin. 
Warren H. Stuart,  145 House E. 
Licentiate in Greek. 
Thomas G. Dabney, Jr.,  116 Fourteenth Street. 
Licentiate in Medical Chemistry. 
E. R. Rogers,  Dawson's Row. 
Licentiate in English Literature. 


Frederick W. Page,  University Heights. 
William H. Hill,  12 East Lawn. 
Law Librarian. 
James B. Baker,  1121 Wertland Street. 
Secretary of the Faculty. 
Thomas H. Carter,  III West Lawn. 
Proctor and Superintendent. 
Samuel B. Woods,  206 North Fifth Street. 
Commissioner of Accounts.