Lingva : Or The Combat of the Tongue, And the fiue Senses For Superiority A pleasant Comoedie |
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Lingva : Or The Combat of the Tongue, And the fiue Senses For Superiority | ||
Ivdicious friends, it is so late at night,I cannot waken hungrie Appetite:
Then since the cloase vpon his rising stands,
Let me obtaine this at your courteous hands,
Trie if the friendly opportunitie,
Of your good will and gratious Plauditie,
With the thrice welcome murmure it shall keepe,
Can begge this prisoner from the bands of sleepe.
Vpon the Plaudite, Appetitvs awakes, and runnes in after Anamnestes.
Lingva : Or The Combat of the Tongue, And the fiue Senses For Superiority | ||