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1. Twenty lectures on the Outlines of Spanish Literature. Private study:

Menendez y Pelayo, Antología de Poetas Líricos Castellanos; Ticknor, History
of Spanish Literature.


Page 69

2. Twenty lectures on Historical Spanish Phonetics. Private study:

Baist, Die Spanische Sprache (in Gröber's Grundriss der Romanischen
Philologie); Meyer-Lübke, Grammaire des Langues Romanes.

3. Readings in Old Spanish. Weekly:

Gorra, Lingua e Litteratura Spagnuola della Origini; Lidforss, Los Cantares
de Myo Cid;
Janer, Poetas Castellanos anteriores al Siglo XV.

4. Portuguese. Sight-reading: weekly.

5. Romance Seminar. Weekly:

Spanish and Portuguese syntactical developments of the Latin preposition