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Psalm 105
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Psalm 105


Ic andette ecum drihtne,
georne ðam gleawan, forðan ic hine godne wat;
forþon he his mildheortnysse mannum cyðde,
on ðysse worulde wis gestandeð.


Hwylc mæg æfre mihta drihtnes
asprecan and aspyrian, oððe spedlice
eall his lofmægen leode gehyran
and his gehyrnesse her oncnawan?


Eadige beoð æghwær, þa ðe a wyllað
soðe domas sylfe efnan,
on ealle tid æghwæs healdan
heora soðfæstnysse symble mid dædum.


Gemune us, drihten, on modsefan
forð hycgende folces þines,
and us mid hælo her geneosa.


And us tidlice teala sceawige,
ceose mid gecorenum, þenden we cwice lifgen,
þæt we mid þinre ðeode þær blissian
and þæt yrfe þin æghwær herige.


We gefyrnedan mid urum fæderum ær,
and we unsoðfæste ealle wæron
and unrihtes æghwær worhtan.


Fæderas ure fæste ne oncneowan
ealle þa wundor þe ðu on Egyptum
worhtest wræclice, wundor unlytel;
næron hi gemyndige miltsa þinra,
þa ðu him on ðære mægðe manige cyðdest.


Hi bysmredan, þa hi on brad wæter
on þone readan sæ randas bæron,
þær ðu hi alysdest, lifes ealdor,
and hi generedest on naman þinum,
þa ðu þine miht mycle cyðdest.


Þær ðu readne sæ ricene geðywdest,
and þær wæron þa wareðas drige,
and hi betweonum wætera weallas læddest,


swa hi on westenne wæron on drigum.


Swa hi alysde lifes ealdor
of heora feonda fæcnum handum,
and of feogendra folmum swylce,
and heora feondas flod adrencte,
þæt þæra æfre ne com an spellboda.


Syððan hi his wordon wel gelyfdan
and him lofsangum lustum cwemdan,
and þæs eft hraðe ealle forgeaton,
weorca wræclicra; na hi wel syþþan
his geæhtunge ahwær heoldan.


Hi on westenne wraðe ongunnan
gitsunge began and gramlice
heora godes þær geare costedan.


He him been sniome brohte and sealde,
sende on heora muþas mete to genihte.


Ongunnon hi on þam wicum wraðe swylce
mærne Moyses ma bysmrian
and Aaron mid eac þone halgan.


Þa eorðe togaan and eall forswealh
on deope forwyrd Dathanes weorod
and Abirones eall ætgædere.


Þær fyr abarn frecne swylce
on heora gemetinge, and þær maansceaðan
þa synfullan sniome forbærnde.


Hi on Choreb swylce cealf ongunnan
him to godgylde georne wyrcean,
onwendan heora wuldor on þæne wyrsan had
hæðenstyrces hig etendes.


Godes hi forgeaton, þe hi of gramra ær
feonda folmum frecne generede,
þe on Egyptum æðele wundur
and on Chananea cymu worhte
and recene wundur on þam readan sæ.


Þa hi wolde toweorpan wuldres aldor,
þær heora Moyses mægene ne hulpe;
he þæt folc forstod feonda mægene;


forðon he him his yrre of acyrde,
þæt he hi ne towurpe geond werþeoda.


Ne hi for awyht eorþan cyste
þa selestan geseon woldan,
ne his wordum eac woldan gelyfan;
ac hi granedan and grame spræcan,
noldan his wordum wel gehyran.


He his handa ahof and hi hraðe wolde
on þam westenne wide todrifan
and heora swæs cynn sendan on wid land.


Hi Belphegor bædon are,
æton deadra lac, swa hit gedefe ne wæs.


And hi bysmredon bealde drihten
on heora gemetincge mægene ealle,
and þær healicne on hryre gefremedan.


Hi þæs feondætes Finees awerede,
þa he on þam folce feondgyld gebræc;
he þæs hæl gehleat and helpe fand
of cynna gehwam and on cneorisse.


Eac hi gefremedan oðer bysmer,
þær hi wiðercwyde wæteres hæfdon;
þær Moyses wearð mægene gebysgad
for heora yfelum, swa he oftor wæs,
on his gaste gram; ne mihte him godes willan
mid his welerum wisne getæcean.


Noldan hi toworpan wraðe þeode,
swa him drihten ær dema sægde,
ac hi wið manfullum mengdan þeode
and leornedan lað weorc gode
and sceuccgyldum swyþe guldan;
him þæt eall gewearð to æswyce.


Ongunnan heora bearn blotan feondum,
sceuccum onsæcgean suna and dohter;
agutan blod swylce bearna feala,
þa unscyldige ealle wærun,
syðþan hi gecuran Chananea god.


Þanon eorþe wearð eall mid blode


mane gemenged, misdædum fah.


Eall hi forheoldan heahweorc godes;
forðan him yrre wearð ece drihten
and he his yrfe eall forhogode.


He hi on handgeweald hæðenum sealde
and heora weoldan, þa him wyrrest ær
on feondscipe fæste gestodon.


Heora costedan cuþe feondas
and under handum hynþe þoledan;
hi alysde oft lifes ealdor.


Hi hine on geþeahte oft abylgdan;
wæron on unrihtum oft gehynde.


Swa he furðum oncneow, þæt heora fynd ehtan,
he heora bene bealde gehyrde.


Þonne he his wordgebeot well gemunde;
hreaw hine sona, þonne hi hynþa drugan,
æfter his miltsa menigu godes.


Syððan he him sealde sona miltse,
þær hi on gesawon ealle ætgædere,
þe ehtend him ær gestodan.


Do us hale nu, halig drihten,
and us, se goda god, georne gesamna
of widwegum, þær we wean dreogað,
þæt we þinne naman nede motan
þone halgestan her andettan
and we on lofe þinum lungre weorðan
ofer werðeode wuldre geherede.


Wese Israhela god aa gebletsad
on worulda woruld, wealdend drihten,
and þæt fægere becweðe folca æghwylc;
wese swa, wese swa þurh eall wide ferhð.