The writings of James Madison, comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed. |
The writings of James Madison, | ||
Dr. Sr.,—I have your favor of the 27th ult., and congratulate
you on the deliverance of our Country from
the distresses of actual invasion. The spirit it has
shewn on this occasion will I hope in some degree
protect it from a second visit.
Congress yesterday received letters from Mr. Jay
& Mr. Carmichael as late as the 4 & 9th of Sepr. The
general tenor of them is that we are not to rely on
much aid in the article of cash from Spain, her finances
& credit being scarcely adequate to her own necessities,
and that the B. emissaries are indefatigable in
misrepresenting our affairs in that kingdom and in
endeavoring to detach it from the war. The character
however of the Catholic King for steadiness and
probity, and the entire confidence of our allies in him,
forbid any distrust on our part. Portugal on the
pressing remonstrances of France & Spain has at
length agreed to shut her ports agst. English prizes
but still refuses to accede to the armed neutrality.
Mr. Adams writes that the [news of the] fate of the
Quebec and Jamaica fleets arrived in London nearly
about the same time and had a very serious effect on
all ranks as well as on stocks and insurance.
Our information from the W. Indies gives a melancholy
picture of the effects of the late tempest.
Martinique has suffered very considerably both in
shipping & people. Not less than 600 houses have
been destroyed in St. Vincents. The Spaniards in
Cuba also have not escaped, and it is reported that
their fleet on its way from the Havannah to Pensacola
has been so disabled & dispersed as to defeat the expedition
for the present. On the other side our Enemies
have suffered severely. The Ajax a ship of the
line and two frigates stationed off St. Lucie to intercept
the Martinique trade are certainly lost with the
greatest part, if not the whole, of their crews; and
ships that have not been since heard of have
shared the like fate. The Island of St. Lucie is totally
defaced. In Barbadoes also scarce a house remains
entire and 1500 persons at least have perished. One
of the largest towns in Jamaica has been totally swept
away and the island otherwise much damaged. The
consequences of this calamity must afford a striking
proof to G. Britain of her folly in shutting our ports
against her W. India commerce and transferring the
advantage of our friendship to her Enemies.
I am, etc.
The writings of James Madison, | ||