University of Virginia Library


Page 256



XXI. [From original MS. in Bureau of Rolls—Jefferson Papers, series 2, vol. 51, doc. 108.]

12 O'Clock. Harper's Ferry, July 8th. 1803.

Dear Sir: The waggon which was employed by Mr. Linnard [1] (the
Military Agent at Philadelphia) to transport the articles forming my
outfit, passed this place on the 28th. Ult. the waggoner determined
that his team was not sufficiently strong to take the whole of the
articles that had been prepared for me at this place and therfore took
none of them; of course it became necessary to provide some other
means of geting them forward; for this purpose on the evening of the
5th. at Fredericktown I engaged a person with a light two horse-waggon
who promised to set out with them this morning, in this however he
has dissapointed me and I have been obliged to engage a second person
who will be here this evening in time to load and will go on early in
the morning: I shall set out myself in the course of an hour, taking
the rout of Charlestown, Frankfort, Uniontown, and Redstone old fort[2]
to Pittsburgh, at which place I shall most probably arrive on the 15th.

Yesterday I shot my guns and examined the several articles which
had been manufactured for me at this place; they appear to be well

My complyments to Mr. Harvie, & accept the assureance of my
sincere wishes for your health and happiness.

Your friend & Obt. Servt.
Meriwether Lewis.
Mr. Jefferson, Presidt. of U S.

William Linnard of Pennsylvania was appointed military agent for the Middle
Department of the U. S. Army, May 3, 1802. In the War of 1812–15 he was


Now Brownsville, Pa.—Ed