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Psalm 100
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Psalm 100


Mildheortnesse and dom mihtigan drihtnes
singe and secge, and soð ongyte
on unwemmum wege, hwænne þu me wylle to.


Ic mid unbealuwe ealre heortan
þurh ðin hus middan halig eode.


Ne sette ic me fore eagum yfele wisan;
ealle ic feode facnes wyrcend,
næs me wyngesið wiðerweard heorte.


Ic awyrgde fram me wende and cyrde;
nolde ic hiora andgit ænig habban,
þe tælnessa teonan geneahhige
wið heora þam nehstan nið ahofan;
þara ic ehte ealra mid niðe.


Oferhydegum eagum, unsædre heortan,
nolde ic mid þæm men minne mete ðicgean.


Ofer geleaffulle eorðbugende
eagan mine georne sceawedun,
hwær ic tirfæste treowe funde,
þa me symble mid sæton and eodon;
he me holdlice her ðegnade.


Ne eardað on midle mines huses,
þe oferhygd up ahebbe
oþþe unriht cweþan elne wille.


Ic on morgenne ofslea manes wyrhtan
ealle þe unriht elne worhtan
and fyrena fela gefremed habbað;
ealle ic þa of drihtnes drife ceastre.