University of Virginia Library


Page 49


Art  44 
Agriculture  18 
Astronomy  19 
Biology  19 
Board  16, 49 
Botany  20, 21 
Chemistry  21, 22 
Civil Government  31 
Courses of Instruction  17 
Credit for Work  14, 15 
Domestic Economy  22 
Drawing  22, 23, 39 
Education  23, 24, 25, 40 
Elementary English  40 
English  26, 27 
Excursions  12 
Fees  15 
French  27, 28 
General Assembly  12 
Geography  28, 41 
Geology  28 
German  29 
Greek  30 
High School Conference  13 
History  30, 31, 41 
Laboratories  11 
Latin  31, 32, 33 
Madison Hall  11 
Manual Training  34, 41 
Mathematics  35, 41 
Medicine  13, 45, 46 
Music  36, 42 
Nature Study  42 
Philosophy  36 
Physical Training  37 
Physiology  42 
Primary School  42 
Physics  38 
Psychology  39 
Railroad Rates  16 
Recreation  12 
Registration  15 
Rural Life Week  13 
Schedule  47, 48 
School Gardens  42 
Story Telling  43 
Sunday School Convention  13 
Teachers Training Class  43 

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