University of Virginia Library


Professor Richard Crawford.

Professor F. M. Crawford.

2. Wood-working for High Schools.—A course employing a comprehensive
set of bench tools, dealing with the principles of wood
construction in a set of graded models; the action of cutting tools,
their uses and care, and the application of wood finishes. Practical
work, methods of presentation, and execution.

Daily, A. 8:30 to 10:30; B. 10:30 to 1:15. Physical Laboratory,
Room 2. Fee for materials, $1.50. Class limited to 20.

3. Constructive Design.—An abridged course for the study of
the principles of design with special reference to application in
handicraft. Problems are considered from the standpoint of function,
structure, material, form, and decoration.

Daily, from 2:30 to 3:30. Physical Laboratory.