University of Virginia Library

[Extract from letter of Governor St. Clair to Secretary of War Knox, dated Cahokia, May 1,
1790. From St. Clair Papers, 11, p. 138.]

Mr. Armstrong has been here for some time, in consequence of your
communications to General Harmar, who made me acquainted with
them by him. It is, sir, I believe, at present, altogether impracticable.
It is a point on which some people are feelingly alive all over, and all
their jealousy awake. Indians to be confided in, there are none; and if
there were, those who would be most proper, and others, are now at
war; but I have explained myself to Captain Armstrong for General
Harmar's imformation, who will communicate it to you from a place
whence there is less risk of dispatches miscarrying.