University of Virginia Library

Political Economy and Science of Society.

Professor Holmes.

In this class there are two courses, each of three lectures a week throughout
the session. Political Economy will be prosecuted for the B. A., and
Science of Society for the Ph. D. degree.

Political Economy.—In the treatment of this department of knowledge
there is no rigid adherence to the school of Smith, Ricardo and Mill. The
modification of older doctrines, necessitated by the increase of productive
inventions and productive operations, is steadily regarded. Attention is paid
to the inquiries and criticisms of Thornton, Cairnes, Jevons, Marshall, Nicholson,
etc.; and to the altered views propounded by Laveleye, Walker, and
the school of the Cathedrists and other German schools.

Text-Books.—Walker's Political Economy (advanced course); Mill's Political
Economy (abridged). A later book than Mill's, and special lectures will be introduced.

Science of Society.—In this (the Post-graduate course) is prosecuted
the investigation of the laws and movements, the growth, decay, and constitution
of Societies, in the different phases and stages of social development.
The necessary organic functions of society are studied in their several forms.
They are also regarded in their reciprocal relations and in their conjoint
action in successive forms of civilization. All systems are interpreted; no
ideal constitution is contemplated. The course is descriptive of processes by
which experienced results have been obtained, not speculative in advocacy
of theoretic dreams.

This class is dependent on notes for the Lectures, as no text-book exists or has been