University of Virginia Library

[Extract from letter of Jefferson to Ezra Stiles,[1] dated Paris, Sept. 1, 1786.—Ford, iv, pp. 298,

A countryman of yours, a Mr. Lediard, who was with Capt. Cook
on his last voiage, proposes either to go to Kamschatka, cross from
thence to the Western side of America, and penetrate through the Continent
to our side of it, or to go to Kentucke, & thence penetrate Westwardly
to the South sea, the vent [he went] from hence lately to
London, where if he finds a passage to Kamschatka or the Western
coast of America, he would avail himself of it: otherwise he proposes to
return to our side of America to attempt that route. I think him well
educated for such an enterprise, & wish he may undertake it.


President of Yale College, scientist and literary man. He was the first in New
England to experiment with electricity.—Ed.