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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate

edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken

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A Praier to Seynt Gyle.

O gracious Gyle, of pore folk chef patroun,
Medycyne to seke in ther dystresse,


To alle needy sheeld and proteccyoun,
Reffute to wrecchis, ther damages to redresse,
Folk that were ded restoryng to quyknesse,
Sith thou of God were chose to be so good,
Pray for our synnys, pray for our wikkidnesse,
To Crist Iesu that boughte us with his blood,


Caste vp-on us thy goodly pitous yee,
To our requestis thyn eris doun enclyne,
For the love of Iesu and Marye,
Born in Bedlem, she a pure virgyne,
And as thou were tryacle and medycyne
To kyng Charlis, whan he in myschef stood,
Teche us the weye by þi gostly doctryne,
To love that lord that bought us with his blood.


Geyn our enemyes wich ben in noumbre thre,
The flessh þe world þe dredful fel serpent,
Of thy grace and mercyfull pyte,
To þi servauntis that serve the of entent
Ageyn al trouble be with hem present,
Maugre þe fend and his furious mood,
Gracious Gyle, be neuer from us absent
For love of Iesu þat bouhte us with his blood,


We putte our trust and our affeccyoun
In þi most feithful prudent gouernaunce,
Be thow our sheld, [our] pavys, and sheltroun,
That were so famous by myracles in substaunce,
Wrought by thy merit in Germanye & Fraunce,
Maugre leviathan, mankyndes fo moost wood,
Ageyn whos werre haue us in remembraunce
To-fore that lord wich bouht us with his blood.