University of Virginia Library

Wednesday 25th.. Sept. 1805.

a fine morning. three men out a hunting. Capt. Clark went
with a chief down the River to look for timber which would
answer for to make cannoes. the natives have Several Small
cannoes in the River one at th[is] place. this River is about
Sixty yards wide and gener[ally] deep. Some clifts of rocks
along the Shores. the natives have a fishery fixed in the River
[a] little above our Camp in which they catch large quantity
of Sammon. they went withe the canoes and took in Several
to day. they gig a great many also. towards evening Capt.
Clark returned had been down about 4 miles at a fork which
came in on the east Side. he informs us that their is Some
timber at the forks but not verry large & knotty. So we conclude
to move down tomorrow. the natives drive a nomber of
their horses from the villages to this place. the man who
Stayed at the village for his horse arived here this evening.
had got his horse by hireing Indians to git him.