![]() | Board of Visitors minutes June 4, 1971 | ![]() |
The following resolution was adopted:
- RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the following regulations governing the remuneration of geographic full-time clinicians of the School of Medicine be and they are hereby approved to be retroactively effective July 1, 1970:
- 1. The basic salary and total income limits of the Geographical Full-time Clinician will be negotiated each year between the clinician, the Department Chairman, and the Dean, in accordance with limits approved by the Governor.
- "Pool Fund"
- 2. (a) The Pool Fund is to be derived solely from contributions from each Clinical Department of only ten percent (10%) of its gross earnings exclusively from private practice and laboratory services.
- (b) Contributions are to be made each month to the Pool Fund which will be held by the Bursar of the University of Virginia for appropriate distribution at or near the end of each fiscal year.
- (c) The sole control of the Pool Fund shall rest in the hands of the Clinical Staff and the Dean of the School of Medicine. The Clinical Staff shall be represented by a committee of the Chairmen of all Clinical Departments and the Chairman of the Clinical Staff Standing Committee for Remuneration and and Contracts. The Bursar, as custodian of the Pool Fund, shall recommend disbursements from the fund which must be first approved by the Dean and the Committee of the Chairmen designated in 2 (c) above.
- (d) Disbursements from the Pool Fund are to be made by the Bursar to the proper Clinical Departments and, in turn, the Clinical Departments will, through the Bursar, distribute the money to the accounts of individuals.
- (e) The Pool Fund cannot be used for Hospital, Medical School or University purposes. It is to be used only for redistribution to Clinical Departments and as further specified in Paragraph 3.
- (f) The Clinical Departments are to use the Pool Fund first for assuring TIAA contributions of its practicing clinicians, the Vice President for Health Sciences and the Dean of the School of Medicine, and second, for assuring, as far as possible, the attainment of their allowed income ceilings by practicing clinicians.
- (g) If the Pool Fund should exceed its needs it shall be returned on a pro rata basis to those Clinical Departments whose contributions exceeded their receipts from the Pool Fund. Once returned to Clinical Departments it will be used as specified in paragraph 3.
- 3. Any money remaining in a Clinical Department account after its contribution to the Pool Fund, paying its general expenses, paying TIAA contributions for its members and paying its members their collections up to allowed income ceiling shall be distributed as follows: One-third to its Reserve Fund, one-third to the Research and Development Fund and one-third to the Pool Fund. Provided the Pool Fund does not need it the money will be divided equally between the Departmental Reserve Fund and the Research and Development Fund, up to its proportionate share in a Research and Development Fund which may accumulate annually a sum of $25,000. If deficits occur, it is understood that the Pool Fund Committee must provide for them.
- 4. A Departmental Chairman wishing to fill a temporarily vacated position or to establish a new position shall, as in the past, get the approval of the Dean and necessary money will automatically become a general departmental expense as specified in paragraph 3, exclusive of anticipated income from the Pool Fund.
- 5. Prolonged illness of a clinician with consequent cessation of his earnings may be, at the discretion of the Departmental Chairman and the Dean, compensated for as a general departmental expense up to 100 percent of the clinician's ceiling for the first six months and thereafter the Departmental Chairman and the Dean are to make some suitable arrangement.
- 6. The so-called $750.00 "Merit Raise" shall be, as in the past, a matter for the decision of the Departmental Chairman and the Dean and will automatically become a general departmental expense as specified in paragraph 4.
- 6. Clinicians who have retired from Departmental Chairmanships because of age (65) or other reasons, but remain as members of Clinical Departments until age 70 shall receive their earnings up to their allowed ceilings, less the usual deductions (Pool Fund, 10%; Departmental Expenses, 20%; Withholding Tax). Retired Chairmen who do not reach their allowed earned income ceiling must have the Dean's permission to have their income supplemented by their Department.
- 9. The estate of a clinician who dies while still a member of a Department shall retain indefinitely his rights to his earnings up to the time of his death. As a courtesy, however, money collected on his accounts shall be paid monthly to his heir or heirs without deductions for either the Pool Fund or Departmental expenses. Resigned or retired clinicians likewise shall retain indefinitely their rights in their earnings up to the time of separation from the Department. Each year, money collected on his accounts, up to his allowed annual ceiling, shall be paid to him monthly after deducting ten percent (10%) for the Pool Fund and twenty percent (20%) for Departmental expenses.
- 7. A clinician who retires or resigns retains no equity in his uncollected accounts, nor does the estate of a clinician who dies while still a member of a department retain equity in uncollected accounts.
- 8. Any question as to the interpretation of the provisions of this contract which shall arise during the time it is in force shall be adjudicated by the Clinical Staff Standing Committee for Remuneration and Contracts and the Dean of the School of Medicine. [1]
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes June 4, 1971 | ![]() |