University of Virginia Library

Saturday 3rd.. August 1805.

a clear morning. we Set out as usal and proceeded on.
Capt. Clark walked on Shore a Short time and killed a Deer.
the River verry crooked and filled with Islands. proceeded on.
Saw 2 deer little ahead, one of the hunters went after them and
killed a panther on an Island. it differs Some from those in
the States it was 7 ½ feet long, & of a redish coulour the turshes
[tusks] long the tallants [talons] large but not verry long.
passed verry rapid water So that we had to double man the
canoes and drag them over the Sholes & rapids. passed a large


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prarie on S. Side. high grass & bushes along the River. the
bottoms has been burned over by the natives I expect last fall.
passed a verry large Spring on L. S. which makes from under
the mountains. the beaver has damed up the mouth & built
lodges all through the pond it forms. it falls over the beaver
dam in to the River verry Steep, about 4 feet. passed over a
bad rapid and halted about one to dine at a bottom of timber
on the S. Side. the day pleasant & warm. proceeded on
passed Several Springs one large one on L. S. plains and bottoms,
Some of which is covred with cotton & birch timber
the River Still getting more rapid and the rapids longer than
below. Came 11½ miles this day and Camped on L. Side
Cot. wood.