University of Virginia Library



Motorcycle leathers, full set
medium size, $50. Also Sony Micro-TV;
call Charles 296-8655.

Ampeg Reverborocket amp.
with 10″ speaker, good condition.
Call 295-2577 after 4 p.m.

German Shepherd puppies AKC
registered large and healthy. Call
Jim Rogers 973-6619 Keswick after
5 p.m.

Winchester Model 1200 shotgun,
12 gauge, 28 inch barrel, modified
choke. Reasonable price. See
Tom Trostle, 1 West Lawn.

Think about spring.

Honda CB 160. Excellent condition,
1966. Need cash, $250 or
best offer. Dave Kalergis 295-5477.

1959 Morris Minor - excellent
town car, 650 cc Triumph - Metisse
motorcycle. Make offer

1964 Ford Cortina. Will listen
to any reasonable offer. Call
295-1953 (evenings).

1962 SCOUT-International Harvester.
Excellent condition. Call

61 Porsche - Super 90. New
clutch, four brand new tires, excellent
shape except for blown engine.
Good buy if you have or can get
used engine. $595 or best offer.
Call Jim Seymore in Richmond
282-1963 or 649-6333.

Leather coats and jackets, corduroy
jackets, western and English
boots. The Saddle Shop, 220 W.
Water St.

Firewood for sale, call

1962 Corvette Conv., white/red
int. 4 speed. 250 hp/327 cu. in.
Snow tires, pampered, $1425, call

1968 Kawasaki motorcycle, 175
cc Bushwacker, 4 speed, oil injection,
electric starter 1,000 miles.
For road and trail use. Call

George Wallace Special - 1962
Vallant, 70,000 miles. Cheap. Must
pay off campaign debts. 296-7590.


All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible student
of the University will be allowed
to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.

One bedroom, one block from
Rotunda, wood panelled, fireplace,
living room, kitchen, 2 students or
couple, available Dec. 1. J. Brown,
163 Chancellor St., Apt. 3,

Seven room, two bath house,
three large bedrooms, study, fireplace,
perfect for six students.


Needed: Sturdy student - part
time for general outdoor assistance
in keeping up country home in Ivy.
Work either at own convenience or
week-ends. Contact Wm. A. Little,
Chairman German Dept., 408
Brandon Avenue, 295-4327.

Riders to UNC at Chapel Hill.
Leaving Friday after 11, call
Charles at 295-4549.

Think about spring.

Wanted to buy a used STEREOMICROSCOPE.
Call A.B.
Davenport, 973-3371, 7:30 a.m. -
4 p.m.

Students to work in Newcomb
Hall - Tuesday at the Main Desk
from 1-6; Thursdays in the Gameroom
from 1-6. Also settled, "non-down-the-road"
student for Saturday
night in the Gameroom 6-11
p.m. Apply Director's Office, 4th
floor, Newcomb Hall.

Part-time secretary, hours flexible,
wages according to experience,

Experienced basketball officials.
Dept. of Recreation, 296-8186.

State Farm Insurance Companies
have openings available for
typist and filing clerks. These positions
are for permanent employment
with excellent opportunity
for advancement. Applicants must
be high school graduates. Equal
opportunity employers. Apply Personnel
Dept. across from Barracks
Rd. Shopping Center.


Lost: Two spiral notebooks and
Comm. 61 test at Phi Gamma Delta
during lunch Nov. 12. Very important.
Contact Mike Sorensen

Lost: My coat missing from
Cabell Hall, Nov. 18. Beige, label
Lord Jim, Carnaby St., London.
Anyone with information or who
took by mistake contact D. Lane

Lost: One yellow kitten wearing
red collar with bells. If found call
Dave Faggert, 293-7898.

Lost: Pair of gold-wire-rim glasses
in Cabell or Newcomb Hall or
vicinity on Monday, Nov. 18. Please
call 296-4646 (very important ...
student going blind.)

Found: Hair dryer in Poe Alley.
Claim at the Director's Office, Newcomb

Found: Gold women's watch -
Maury Hall Auditorium, last Wednesday.
Call Wally 296-9530 to

Will the student who lost the
Furman University ring please come
and claim it at the Newcomb Hall
Director's Office.


Greek Orthodox Church Bazaar,
Monday Nov. 25, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Delicious Greek food, lunch and
dinner served. Greek pastries,
Christmas items. Ceramics, white
elephant, 100 Perry Drive.

Senior won second semester
honeymoon to Miami. Need mate,
box 112 McKim Hall for interviews.

Call Virginia Glass Co. 296-7194
for fast service on expert glass
replacements. Use our mobile glass
shop. 1150 River Rd.

Zorba's for good food, more
than 50 Grecian and Italian specialties.
Many less than $1. McIntire
Plaza opposite City Tennis Courts.
296-8689. Daily until 10 p.m.
Closed Sundays.

Think about spring.

Will fly students home for
Thanksgiving vacation. Cheap. Call