University of Virginia Library

Hurdle, Jacobs Lead Council Positions

Sceptre Picks Card, Brown
As Judiciary Candidates

Paul Hurdle led a field of four
candidates last night to become,
along with Everette Doffermyre and
Bill Nixon, a Skull and Keys
candidate for Student Council

Mr. Hurdle received 102 votes,
while Messrs. Doffermyre and Nixon
received 81 and 80 votes,
respectively. Peter Kempson, the
only other candidate, received 59

In a very close race for the two
Judiciary Committee nominations,
Jay Burton and Ben Dailey edged
out Byron Shankman. Messrs.
Burton and Dailey received 119 and
120 votes, respectively, while Mr.
Shankman got 103.

For the first time ever, a platform
for the Skull and Keys Student
Council candidates was adopted.
Before its adoption, however, several
sections of it were voted down by
the caucus, even though all of the
candidates favored it.

The two major portions of the
platform that were voted down were
the support for first-year
representation of some sort on the
Council and a calling for the
relaxation of the rules for

On the latter issue, Rick Evans,
President of the Student Council,
told the caucus that the thought the
current rules, which require a
24-hour advance notice, were fairly

Carroll Ladt spoke against
allowing first-year men a seat on the
Student Council. He pointed out
that if the first-year class was
allowed its own representative, they
would have a double vote.

In the Judiciary contest, Ben
Daily said in his speech that he
thought the Dean of Student Affairs
should not have the right to review
all penalties imposed by the
Judiciary Committee.

All of the Skull and Keys
candidates for the Student Council
nomination supported the platform,
which stated that students should be
allowed more control in both the
dormitories and fraternities, more
students on housing and academic
committees, casing of the required
courses for first-year students as well
as class attendance.

The platform called for
"strengthening the recruitment of
qualified Black students."


Student Council 
Steve Jacobs  73 
Joel Gardener  65 
Dan Lyons  58 
Arnold Goldin  42 
Judiciary Committee 
Bob Card  109 
George Brown  96 
Jim Doilney  55 

Skull & Keys

Student Council 
Paul Hurdle  102 
Everette Doffemyre  81 
Bill Nixon  80 
Peter Kempson  59 
Judiciary Committee 
Ben Dailey  120 
Jay Burton  119 
Byron Shankman  103