University of Virginia Library

Outline for Primary Grades.

Second Year Offered Both Terms.

Methods in Arithmetic—Education 39, 8:30  30 periods 
Methods in Reading II—Education 37, 9:30  30 periods 
Methods in Language and Spelling—Education 38, 10:30  30 periods 
[2] Writing or Drawing, 2:30  30 periods 

Third Year Offered Both Terms.

Methods, Management, Observation[2] —Education 15, 12:30  30 periods 
Nature Study and Home Geography—Education 31, 8:30  30 periods 
Child Literature and History Stories—Education 32, 9:30  30 periods 
Public School Music—Music 232, 4:30  30 periods 
Primary Industrial Work, 9:30 to 11:30; 2:30 to 4:30  30 periods 
Writing or Drawing, 2:30  30 periods 
[2] Observation, 8:30 to 12:25, Midway School  10 periods 

Teachers are required to take writing in either second or third
year, unless they are able to present a certificate of proficiency in

Teachers completing this course have special permission to take
the number of courses required.