University of Virginia Library


once upon a time a man went out alone, and met on the
road the Sun, the Frost, and the Wind. Well, on meeting
them, he gave them a salutation: `Praised' [be the Lord
Jesus Christ]! To which did he present the salutation?
The Sun said: `To me, that I might not burn him.' The
Frost said: `To me, and not to you, for he is not so much
afraid of you as of me.' `Story-tellers! it's false!' said,
lastly, the Wind; `that man presented the salutation not to
you two, but to me.' They began to jangle and quarrel
together, and all but pulled the mantles off each other's
backs. `Well, if it's so, let's ask him to whom he presented
the salutation, to me or to you?' They overtook the man
and asked him; then he said: `To the Wind.' `Didn't I
say that it was to me?' `Stop you! I'll give you a baking,
you rascal!' said the Sun; `you shall remember me.' Then
said the Wind: `Never fear, he won't bake you; I shall
blow and cool him.' `So will I freeze you up, you scoundrel!'
said the Frost. `Don't be frightened, poor fellow!
then I shan't blow, and he'll do nothing to you; he doesn't
freeze you up without a wind.'