University of Virginia Library


By a decree of May 23rd, 1866 the former distinction between
Fiacres (Voitures de Place) and Voitures de Remise was abolished
and the following "Tarif Maximum" appointed for both, provided
the latter are hired in the street (not from a "remise"). Une
is a single drive, à l'heure by time, in which case the
hirer shows his watch to the driver.


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Within the City.  From 6 a. m. in summer
(March 31st to Oct. 1st),
and from 7 a.m. in winter
(Oct. 1st to March 31st),
till 12. 30 at night: 
From 12. 30 at night
till 6 a. m. in summer
(March 31st to Oct. 1st),
and till 7 a. m. in winter
(Oct. 1st to March 31st): 
La Course  A l'heure  La Course  A l'heure 
Carr. for 2—3 pers.  1 fr. 50 c.  2 fr. — c.  2 fr. 25 c.  2 fr. 50 c. 
Carr. for 4—5 pers.  1 fr. 70 c.  2 fr. 25 c.  2 fr. 50 c.  2 fr. 75 c. 
Carr. from a remise 
for 2—3 pers.  1 fr. 80 c.  2 fr. 25 c.  3 fr. — c.  3 fr. — c. 
for 4—5 pers.  2 fr. — c.  2 fr. 50 c. 
From 6 a. m. till 12 at night in summer (May 31st
to Oct. 1st),
or from 6 a. m. till 10 p. m. in winter
(Oct. 1st to May 31st).
Same charge for une course as for une heure. 
When the hirer returns
to the town in the same
When the hirer dismisses
the carr. without
the fortifications, he
must make additional
payment for the return-drive: 
Carr. for 2—3 pers.  2 fr. 50 c.  1 fr. — c. 
Carr. for 4—5 pers.  2 fr. 75 c. 
Carr. from a remise 
for 2—3 pers.  3 fr. — c.  2 fr. — c. 
for 4—5 pers. 

The same charge is made for luggage in carriages of either of
the above classes: for 1 box 25 c., 2 boxes 35, 3 or more 75 c.
The driver is bound to place it on and remove it from the
vehicle. No charge for small articles which are taken inside.

The following places are situated beyond the fortifications:
Bois de Boulogne, Bois de Vincennes, and the adjacent parishes
of Charenton, Le Pré St. Gervais. St. Mandé, Montreuil, Bagnolet,
Romainville, Pantin, Aubervilliers, St. Ouen, St. Denis, Clichy,
Neuilly, Boulogne, Issy, Vanves, Montrouge, Arcueil, Gentilly,
Ivry, Vincennes.

The following are among the principal Stands: by the Madeleine,
on all the principal Boulevards, Place de la Bourse, Place
de la Bastille, du Palais Royal, St. Sulpice, de la Concorde,
Louvois, du Louvre, on the quays and at all the railway-stations.

Some of the more important regulations, of which every driver
must possess a copy, are here given.

If a carriage is sent for and kept waiting more than ¼ hr.
the charge for 1 hr. must be paid; if it is sent back at once,
half a course, if after ¼ hr. a whole course must be paid.

If the carriage be hired for a course, the driver may select
his own route; if à l'heure, he must obey the directions of his


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employer. If one of the passengers alights before the termination
of the course, no additional charge can be made, unless luggage
placed outside the vehicle is also removed, in which case one
hour must be paid for.

In hiring by time, the entire first hour must always be paid
for, after which the time may be reckoned by spaces of 5 min.

When per hour at:

MINUTES:  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55 
fr. c.  fr. c.  fr. c.  fr. c.  fr. c.  fr. c.  fr. c.  fr. c.  fr. c.  fr. c.  fr. c. 
2 fr.  fr. 20  fr. 35  fr. 50  fr. 70  fr. 85  1 c.  1 20  1 35  1 50  1 70  1 85 
2 fr. 25  fr. 20  fr. 40  fr. 60  fr. 75  fr. 95  1 15  1 35  1 50  1 70  1 90  2 10 
2 fr. 50  fr. 25  fr. 45  fr. 65  fr. 85  1 05  1 25  1 50  1 70  1 90  2 10  2 30 
2 fr. 75  fr. 25  fr. 50  fr. 70  fr. 95  1 15  1 40  1 60  1 85  2 10  2 30  2 55 
3 fr.  fr. 25  fr. 50  fr. 75  1 95  1 25  1 50  1 75  2 85  2 25  2 50  2 75 

If the carriage is engaged before 12. 30 at night the day-charges
only can be demanded, if before 6 (or 7) a. m. the night-charges
must be paid, although the drive be prolonged beyond
these limits.

Drivers are not bound to convey passengers without the fortifications
between midnight (or in winter 10 p. m.) and 6 a. m.

If the horses have been used without the fortificatons for
2 consecutive hours, the driver can demand a rest of 20 min. at
the expense of the hirer.

If a carriage is engaged without the fortifications to return
to the town, the town-charges alone can be exacted; in the reverse
case, the increased rate is paid from the moment the fortifications
are passed.

If the hirer's destination is a theatre, concert-room etc., he
must pay in advance.

Bridge-toll is paid by the driver, unless the crossing has taken
place at the express desire of the hirer.

Gratuities cannot be demanded by the drivers, but it is
usual to give 10—20 c. per course, or 25—50 per hour, in addition
to the fare.

Those who are desirous of exploring Paris expeditiously and
comfortably are recommended to hire a Voiture de Remise by the
day (25—30 fr.) or by the week ("Combien, par jour, pourboire
compris, pour une voiture à deux ou à quatre places, avec un
ou deux chevaux? La voiture sera à ma disposition de huit
heures du matin à huit heures du soir, et ira au Bois de Bologne,
à Saint-Denis, à Saint-Cloud et à Sèvres.")