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A history of Caroline county, Virginia

from its formation in 1727 to 1924

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Legislative Journals of the Colonial Council of Virginia—McIlwaine

Statutes at Large—Hening.

Journals of the House of Burgesses.

List of the Living on February 16, 1623.

Virginia Counties—Robinson.

Notes and Queries—London.

Notes on the Virginia Colonial Clergy—Neill.

Ecclesiastical History of the United States—Hawks.

Records in Caroline County Clerk's Office.

Old Churches and Families of Virginia—Meade.

Colonial Virginia Register—Stanard.

Register of the General Assembly of Virginia—Swem.

Bibliograph of Conventions and Constitutions of Virginia—Swem.

Legislative Petitions—Archives of State Library.

Early Virginia Marriages—Crozier.

Virginia County Records—Crozier.

Virginia Magazine of History and Biography.

William and Mary College Quarterly.

Southern Historical Society Papers.

Files of the Richmond Enquirer.

Files of the Richmond Whig.

Files of The Virginia Herald and Fredericksburg Advertiser.

Files of the Fredericksburg Free Lance.

Files of The Virginia Gazette.

Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, A. F. & A. M.

Brief Biographies of Virginia Physicians—Anderson.

Virginia Schools Before and After the Revolution—McCabe.

Biography of E. S. Joynes—Currell.

Southern Literary Messenger.

Comprehensive History of Disciples of Christ—Moore.

The Living Pulpit of the Christian Church—Moore.

Virginia Conference Annuals.

Who's Who in America.

Original Journals of Lewis and Clark Expedition—Thwaites.

Lewis and Clark Expedition—Coue.

Early Western Travels—Thwaites.

History of Clark's Conquest—Butterfield.

William Clark—Thwaites.

Virginia Historical Collections.

Pennsylvania Historical Magazine.

Revolution in Virginia—Eckenrode.

Woodford-Howe and Lee Letters.

Richmond College Historical Papers.

John Taylor, Prophet of Secession—Dodd.

Missouri Historical Society Collections.

John P. Branch Historical Papers of Randolph-Macon College.

Autobiography of Edmund Pendleton.


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Biographical History of North Carolina—Van Noppen.

Biography of the Signers—Sanderson.

Life and Times of the Tylers—Tyler.

Men of Mark in Virginia—Tyler.

Records in Adjutant General's Office.

Biographical Congressional Dictionary.

List of Colonial Soldiers of Virginia—Eckenrode.

List of Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia—Eckenrode.

List of Revolutionary Soldiers—Saffell.

Calendar of State Papers.

Virginia Colonial Militia—Crozier.

Virginia Pension Rolls.

Historical Register of United States Army—Heitman.

Report of War Department.

Virginia Militia Muster Rolls.

Confederate State Papers.

Life of Jackson—Henderson.

Surratt Trial—Pittman.

Conspiracy Trial—Poore.

Impeachment Investigation—DeWitt.

The Assassination of Lincoln—DeWitt.

History of the Secret Service—Baker.

Memorials of Virginia Clerks—Johnston.

Index to Enrolled Bills—Williams.

Acts of Assembly.

Colonial Virginia—Stanard.

Files of Richmond Christian Advocate.

Memoirs of Campbell—Richardson.

History of Virginia Baptists—Semple.

Virginia Baptist Ministers—Taylor.

Southern Quakers and Slavery—Weeks.

Our Quaker Friends of Ye Olden Time—Bell.

Index to Southern Pedigrees—Crozier.

Virginia Genealogies—Hayden.

Bristol Parish—Slaughter.

The Family of Armistead—Appleton.

History of the Baylors—Baylor.

The Bowies and Their Kindred—Bowie.

History of the Broaddus Family—Broaddus.

The Burke Family—Boutelle.

The Campbell Family—Lewis.

The Chandler Family—Chandler.

The Chapman Family—Chapman.

The Carter Family of Virginia—Carter.

The Family of Coghill—Coghill.

The Coleman Family—Coleman.

History of the Corbin Family—Lawson.

The Dickinson Family.

Dorsey Genealogical Table—Evans.


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Glassell Family—Hayden.

Hawes Family—Hawes.

The Martin Family—Martin.

History of the Martin Family—Martin.

The Martin Family—Gallaway.

Martin Genealogy—Hay.

Minor Family—Green.

The Scotts of Buccleuch—Fraser.

The Sutton Family—Twamley.

Pedigree of Thomas Family—Thomas.

The Thomas Book—Thomas.

Thornton Excursus—Stanard.

The Terrells of America—Tyrrell.

History of the Ricks Family in America—Ricks.

The Pedigree of the Washington Family—Welles.

The Ancestry of the Wyatt Family—Bolton.

Colonial Families of Southern States—Hardy.

Virginia Cousins—Goode.