University of Virginia Library

Sunday 2nd.. June 1805.

a clear pleasant morning. we Set off as usal & proceeded
on. about 9 oC. Some of the hunters killed a buffalow and
an Elk. passed high bluffs on each Side, high plains, narrow
bottoms and Islands. passed a creek on the N. S. and one on
the S. Side about 12 oC. killed another Elk. about 1 oC.
we halted to dine at a bottom of timber on the N. S. Some
of the men killed another buffaloe. the wind high from the
N.W. clouded up. the current is not So Swift yesterday
& to day as it has been Some time past. we git along verry
well with the towing lines. a Small Sprinkling of rain. about
2 oC. we proceeded on passed Several Islands of cotton wood
bluffs & high land towards evening the hunters killed a yallow
bear in a bottom of cotton wood on S. S. we Came 18 miles
& Camped at a fork of the river. we could not determine
which was the Missourie. the hunters killed 6 Elk in all
to day. we Saw a high mountain to the west of us. one
hunter man Shot a large beaver this evening.