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Psalm 80
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Psalm 80

[OMITTED] [OMITTED]gif þu, Israhel, a wylt elne gehyran.



Gif þu, Israhel, me anum gehyrst,
ne byð god on þe niwe gemeted,
ne þu fremedne god sylfa gebiddest.


Ic eom þin god, ðe geara þe
of Ægypta eorþan alædde.


Ontyn þinne muð and ic hine teala fylle;
nele min folc mine stefne æfre gehyran,
ne me Israhel behealdan holde mode.


Ac hi lifian het lustum heortena
swa him leofust wæs, leode þeodum,
æfter hiora willum wynnum miclum.


Þær min agen folc, Israhela cynn,
me mid gehygde hyran cuðan,
oþþe on wegas mine woldan gangan,
þonne ic hiora fynd fylde and hynde,
and þæt mycle mægen minra handa
heora ehtendas ealle fornam.


Him fynd godes fæcne leogað;
byð hiora yfele tid awa to feore.


He hi fedde mid fætre lynde,
hwæte and hunige, þæt him halig god
sealde of stane, oþþæt hi sæde wæron.