![]() | A history of Caroline county, Virginia | ![]() |

Aaron, T. R..... 111
Aberdour, Lord..... 88
Abbitt, I. O..... 110
Adams, Pearl..... 162
Maggie..... 162
Herbert..... 165
Alcock, Thos..... 55
Alexander, J. L..... 111
Alison, James..... 88
Allen, Arthur..... 111, 257
B. F..... 257
Rev. L..... 345
Isaac..... 74
Major..... 357
Dr. J. R...... 257
R. W..... 82, 257
Allport, G. D..... 257
Madeline..... 161
Allensworth, Gibbons..... 40
Alsop, George..... 61
Ambold, E..... 109
Ambler, Mary A..... 134
Anderson, Family..... 136-137
Charles..... 54
Dr. H. T..... 136-142
Dr. T. B..... 65, 116
Walter J..... 303, 313
Andrews, Eula..... 161
Gladys..... 160
Ivy Dale..... 161
Malcolm..... 166
Thelma..... 162
W. L..... 87
Arbuthnot, Thos..... 90
Armistead Family..... 369-371
A. B..... 111
Col. George..... 370
Henry..... 40
John..... 39
William..... 42
Arts and Letters..... 277-280
Asaph, Parish of..... 296
Ashton, Burdette..... 96
Assembly, Acts of..... 276, 277
Athey Family..... 367-369
Alexander..... 368
Dr. Caleb..... 368
Elisha..... 368
Rev. S. M...... 369
Attorneys, list of..... 274
Autobiography of Robert Hudgin 273
Autograph of John Penn..... 205
Gen. William Woodford..... 185
Masons..... 88-98
Avers, Richard..... 49
J. W..... 367
Baber, Robert..... 75
Bagby, P. O..... 36
Travis..... 110
Baker Family..... 221-222
Arms..... 222
Catherine..... 222
Douglas D..... 222
L. M. G..... 221
Joseph..... 111
William Cecil..... 222
Ball, Henry..... 79
Bankhead, Stewart..... 111
Doctor..... 120
Baptist Churches..... 316-338
Baptist Ministers..... 338-355
Barlow, Doris..... 159
P. M..... 111
R. L..... 111
T. E..... 111
V. M..... 111
W. L..... 110
Bartlett, Henry..... 75
Battaile, Frances C..... 81
Hay..... 40
Lawrence..... 40, 76, 84
Baylor Family..... 371-379
Eloise..... 379
George..... 39, 63, 374
James B..... 371-378
John..... 40, 86
John Roy..... 378-379
Robert..... 111
Survey..... 377
Walker..... 376
Baynham, Dr. William..... 346
Rev. William A..... 346
Beale, R. L..... 40, 111, 436
R. L., Jr..... 436
R. L. T..... 436
Beazley, Cornelius..... 55
Eva..... 355
Frank..... 165
Gladys..... 165
Gordon..... 163
Latimer..... 164, 355
Lillian..... 162
J. W..... 111
M. T..... 110
Rev. R. J..... 111, 354
Rev. R. H..... 164, 349
Rev. W. O..... 354
Beckner, Lewis..... 77
Bell, William..... 75
Bernard, John H..... 40, 42
William..... 81
Berry, Joseph..... 75, 79
Bethel Church..... 317
Bethesda Church..... 334
Beverly, Robert..... 74
William..... 75
Bills, Enrolled..... 276
Bithynia Church..... 314
Blackford, William..... 452
L. M..... 453
Bland, S. O..... 50
Blanton Family..... 379-382
Arms..... 379
Berlyn..... 162
J. R..... 111, 257
T. H..... 111, 259
Blatt, J. A..... 111
T. B..... 111
Blaydes, Ruby Lee..... 163
Blondell, John M..... 82
Blunt, James..... 82
Boggs, G. H..... 110
Booth's Capture..... 267
Borkey Family..... 353
Rev. A. V..... 353
Arlie..... 160
F. H..... 111
H. V..... 111
J. E..... 111
Bosher, Gideon..... 83
Boucher, Rev. J..... 12-24
Boulware Family..... 384-386
Aylett..... 63
George W..... 257
Moore..... 33
Turner..... 386
Boutwell Family..... 382-384
Apollos..... 110
John T..... 110
William..... 79
Bowers, Ellis..... 161
Gertrude..... 162
Pauline..... 161
Roper..... 162
Bowie Family..... 388-392
Arms..... 388
Corbin..... 257
Ferry..... 51
Willing..... 111
Walter N..... 111
W. Russell..... 390
Bowcock, Henry..... 79
Bowling Green..... 284-286
Tobacco Association..... 276
Cemetery..... 277
Bowling Green Seminary..... 127-131
Baptist Church..... 328
Boyten, Robert..... 111
Brame, Joseph..... 81
Braxton, Corbin D..... 45
Braynefield..... 366
Brandywine..... 36, 384
Bremner, W. D..... 111, 161, 320
Margaret..... 162
Bridges, Richard..... 81
Broaddus Family..... 392-393
Arms..... 392
A. S..... 40
Rev. Andrew, I..... 340
Rev. Andrew, II..... 340
Rev. Andrew, III..... 340
Annie..... 165
Bettie..... 165
Blanche..... 159
Charles A..... 111
Frank..... 165
Rev. Julian..... 341
Linda..... 160, 165
Rev. Luther..... 341
Jean..... 160
J. P..... 111, 159
Maxie..... 165
M. G..... 111
Rev. M. E..... 341
O'Neal..... 163
Phoebe..... 165
Susie..... 160
S. W..... 111
W. R..... 110
Brock, G. E..... 110
Brockenbrough, Peyton..... 110
C..... 111
Brooke, Francis..... 61
Brooks, Alma..... 165
Bessie..... 165
Charles..... 159
Hilda..... 165
John..... 163
Lewis..... 257
Linda..... 165
Margaret..... 159
Overton..... 165
R. L., Jr..... 111
Bruce, Ellen C..... 377
Gladys..... 159
Lola..... 159
Robert C..... 85
Theresa..... 159
Buckner, George..... 40, 82
Henry..... 163
John..... 90
Word..... 90
Richard, Jr..... 40
William A..... 40, 80
William D..... 425
Bullard, C. L..... 111, 257
William H..... 63
Bullock, Louise..... 163
J. L..... 257
Mattie..... 163
Burbage, Marcia..... 136
Burdette, William..... 76
Burgesses, List of..... 40
Burke Family..... 394, 395
Arms..... 394
Belle G..... 394
Betty Ann..... 394
Bridge..... 52
Cordelia..... 394
Daniel G..... 394
Earl..... 394
Burke, John Muse..... 394, 489
Leslie..... 394
Burruss, Emma..... 161
George..... 257
Granville..... 110
Henry..... 58
Captain Thomas..... 81
Burt, Mary..... 159
Burwell, Lewis..... 75
Butler, Dr. E. E..... 111
E. E., Jr..... 111
John D..... 40
Butterworth, Agnes..... 159
C. W..... 159

Calvary Church..... 335
Camden..... 460
Campbell Family..... 395, 396
Arms..... 395
Dorothy..... 162
Durward..... 161
Elliott..... 159
Estelle..... 161
Esther..... 160
Mae..... 159
W. L...... 257
516Carmel Church..... 319, 321
Caroline Railway Co...... 277
Carneal, Ashton..... 161
Henry..... 162
Carr, Thomas..... 74
Carson, Cyrus..... 295
Carter Family..... 411-414
Arms..... 414
Aubrey E...... 111, 164
Ben..... 165
Mamie..... 165
Nellie J...... 159
Cass, O. M...... 257
Catholic Churches..... 301, 302
Catlett, G. W...... 109
Lawrence..... 92
John..... 52
Thomas..... 75
Cave, Dorothy..... 159
Preston A...... 313
Chandler Family..... 396-408
Arms..... 397
A. B., Sr...... 110, 258
A. B., Jr...... 150-154
Boyd D...... 314
D. B...... 81
Kelly R...... 402
J. A. C...... 148-150
Rev. Jeremiah..... 344
Leroy..... 402
Robert..... 74, 78
Rev. Rufus..... 339-344
Thomas K...... 314
Timothy..... 81
Mrs. W. T...... 127-131
Chapman Family..... 409-411
Arms..... 409
O. C...... 409
Governor Reuben..... 409
Samuel..... 410
William R...... 409
Chase, Beverly's..... 36
Cheadle, John..... 74
Chenault, Gladys..... 165
Henry..... 162
Ruby..... 159
Sally..... 165
Chesterfield School..... 166
Chestnut Valley..... 425
Chewning, Clarence..... 110
T. H...... 110
Chilesburg..... 36
Chiles, Edith..... 161
Hiram..... 61
John..... 76
Lois..... 162
Mabel..... 161
Micajah..... 74
Samuel..... 40
Chivis, David..... 76
Christian, Laura..... 162
Churches, Negro..... 168-172
Churches, White..... 292-355
Church Taxes..... 51
Civil Service..... 133
Civil War Stories..... 258
Clarke Family..... 177-184
Arms..... 184
George Rogers..... 177
John W...... 291
John..... 74
Jonathan..... 177
William..... 177-184
Clerical Sidelights..... 12-24
Clerks of Courts..... 272-273
Clopton, Dr. A. W...... 121
Patrick..... 82
Coates, W. H...... 110
Cobb, Dr. E. C...... 111, 290
Hon. W. L...... 48
Coghill Family..... 415-416
Arms..... 416
Elizabeth L...... 121
E. S...... 111, 257
Eugenia..... 159
H. B...... 110
Hermine..... 159
J. D...... 257
R. A...... 257
T. D...... 111, 257
W. G...... 111
Colbert, C. W...... 290
Cole, M. W...... 110
Rev. R. W...... 351
Coleman Family..... 416-420
Clarissa..... 161
Daniel..... 40
E. M...... 291
Frederick William..... 121
Francis..... 40
G. K...... 290, 292
Henry C...... 41
Rev. J. D...... 348
Julian..... 161
Reuben..... 418
Samuel..... 75, 419
Collins, C. R...... 110
E. B...... 257
E. Burke..... 111
G. R...... 110
George..... 165
J. C...... 111
Margaret..... 165
Rebecca..... 165
Thomas..... 75
Colonial Caroline..... 12-24
Colonial Clergy..... 12-24
Colonial, Government of..... 2-7
Colonial Grants..... 74-76
Colored Citizens..... 167-176
Committee of Safety..... 37
Commonwealth Patents..... 77
Concord Church..... 321-323
Concord Academy..... 127-128
Conduit, Rev. Thomas..... 342
Congressmen, Notes on..... 50, 51
Congressional Districts..... 48-49
Confederate Soldiers..... 236-251
Monument..... 243
Constable, Office of..... 5
Contested Election..... 63
Conway, C. B...... 41
Cook's Ford..... 55
Cook, Mary..... 159
Corbin Family..... 420-421
Arms..... 420
Francis..... 420
Gawin..... 421
George Lee..... 421
Robert B...... 41
Cosby, J. S...... 111
Cosby, C. R...... 111
Coune, William..... 79
County Court..... 4
County Line Church..... 327
Counties, Genealogy of..... 7-11
Extinct..... 9-10
In Kentucky..... 10
In West Virginia..... 10-11
Court House..... 135
Covington, Halbert..... 161
Oswald..... 162
Crawford, Andrew..... 87
Croxton, Thomas..... 51
Cruickshank, C. R...... 111
Crutchfield, William..... 75

Dabney, Eliza..... 81
Dalton, A. G...... 111
Daniel, Rev. Robert D...... 342
William..... 76
Daughters Confederacy Roll..... 271
Davenport, Richard..... 76
Davis, Dudley..... 422
J. F...... 257
DeJarnette Family..... 423-424
D. C...... 41-424
Joe Willis..... 111, 159, 424
J. H...... 111
Joseph..... 423
Samuel..... 423
Delegates in House..... 40
In Senate..... 42
In Conventions..... 44
Denson, Mary..... 163
William..... 163
Deportation of Negroes..... 60, 62
Derby, Fay E...... 111
Derieux, Marion..... 165
Dew Family..... 421-423
Arms..... 423
Dr. J. Harvie..... 423
Dr. Phillip..... 422
Dr. Roderick..... 442
Diary, Dr. Anderson's..... 116-121
Dickinson Family..... 424-426
A. G...... 81
Henry G...... 426
Dillard, Judson..... 163
Alma..... 163
Dillon, Henry..... 78
Disciple Churches..... 303-314
Ministers..... 314-315
Dissenters..... 20
Districts, Senatorial..... 42
Congressional..... 48
Divisions of County..... 64
Dixon, Richard..... 94
Doctors of..... 116-121
Donahoe, Rev. George M..... 352
J. H..... 110
W. F..... 111
Dorsey Family..... 426
Corbin R..... 160
Margaret C..... 159
Doswell, Dr. B. F..... 82
Dratt, B. A..... 111
J. J..... 311
John Julius..... 159
J. W..... 111
Ruby..... 163
Drysdale Parish..... 292-297
Dunn, L. R..... 111, 257
Dunnington, Alice..... 159
Louise..... 159
Walter..... 160
Durrett, Curtis..... 295
Duval, John..... 304
Dyson, Gladys..... 162
Eagle, Esther..... 160
Rev. Morris..... 295

Earliest Divisions..... 2
Early Diseases..... 116
Edge Hill Academy..... 134-135
Edmund Pendleton..... 199-204
High School..... 160
Education and Educators..... 121-166
Eggleston, Story of..... 261
Elliott, J. W., Sr..... 111
J. W., Jr..... 111
Mary..... 159
Ellis, John..... 74, 78
Enlargement of..... 2
Ennis, W. E..... 110
Enquirer, Extracts From..... 81
Episcopal Churches..... 292-297
Erection of Caroline..... 1
Estates of..... 281
Estes, Elliott..... 345
Eubank, E. J..... 111
John L..... 45
Evans, Maurice..... 110
S. H..... 41, 111, 257
W. E..... 110
William..... 53
Ewart, James..... 88
Excelsior Manufacturing..... 26
Executive Papers..... 66
Extinct Counties..... 9
Extracts From Masonic Records.....
Fac Similes..... 88-98, 372
Faldo, Robert..... 78
Family Peculiarities..... 21
Farmer, Lucy..... 165
Recer..... 159
Farrish, K. R..... 110
Faulkner, Lucy..... 166
Fearnaught..... 85
Ferguson, Florence..... 402
Fox, Nelson M..... 111, 165
Percy..... 165
Finch..... 159
Heloise..... 159
Fishing Rights..... 51
Fitzhugh, George..... 64, 65
Flagg, R. D..... 257
Flegenheimer, Dr. William..... 111
Fleming, Robert..... 40
Flippo, Dr. J. A..... 121
Rev. Albert R..... 314
Clarence..... 280
Fraughnaugh, Hilda..... 165
Kate..... 165
Louise..... 165
Virginia..... 166
Freeman, Kester..... 161
Lucy Mae..... 161
Robert..... 161
Wesley..... 162
Fuller, L. T..... 110
Wilburn..... 166

Garnett, Henry..... 164
Reuben..... 81
Garrett Family..... 427
Arms..... 427
C. W..... 427
Mrs. W. R. W..... 33
Garth, Eloise..... 163
Victorine..... 163
Gatewood Family..... 428
Gay Mont..... 358
Genealogy of Counties..... 7-9
George Family..... 431
Arms..... 435
Ghost Stories..... 357, 452
Gibson, Edith..... 161
Jonathan..... 40
T. R..... 257
Gilchrist, Robert..... 41, 77
Gill, Louise..... 159
T. B..... 111, 257
Glassel Family..... 435-437
Good, C. J..... 295
Goodloe, Charles..... 75, 79
Robert..... 80
Goodwyn, Thomas..... 295
Gouldin, Robert..... 465
Dr. T. W..... 465
Graduates of High Schools. 159-166
Graham, Duncan..... 76
Gravatt Family..... 437-439
Arms..... 439
Gray, Elsie..... 159
Gladys..... 163
Green, W. W..... 295
Hilda..... 161
Gresham, O. H..... 110
Grimsley, Rev. S. U..... 343
Grymes, John..... 79
Guerrant, J. W..... 41
Guiney..... 290
Guiney's Bridge Church..... 332
Guy, Ann..... 81
George..... 39
Mary..... 81
William..... 81
Gwiner, George..... 110
Hackett, Thomas..... 74
Haley, J. C..... 33
Hall, W. J. B..... 111
Ham, Thomas..... 74
Hammett, Sue M..... 215
Hankins, Albert W..... 468
Mary Coleman..... 468
Hanover Academy..... 126
Hargrove, Samuel..... 55, 80
Harris, Aubrey..... 165
Clement M..... 111, 165
Estelle..... 165
J. N..... 110
Rogers..... 165
Virginia..... 165
Harrison, Fairfax..... 81
Judith..... 82
Hawes Family..... 440
Richard..... 224
Samuel..... 39, 41
Hayes..... 85
Haymond, P. L..... 111
Head, Floy..... 161
Dr. L. J..... 111, 257
Dorothy..... 162
Elizabeth..... 165
Hearn, Lucy..... 163
Henderson, Frances..... 159
Henshaw, T. E..... 110
Herbert, Merwyn..... 494
Hill, Caroline..... 157
Charles..... 42
Elizabeth B..... 82
Hannah..... 81
Hite, C. A..... 112
Hobbs, William..... 162
Holberton, R. F..... 112, 257
Robert..... 160
Holmes, William..... 41
Holladay, Mrs. Duncan..... 465
Alexander..... 50
Home Guard Roster..... 257
Hoomes, Armistead..... 42, 81
Annie C..... 81
Judith..... 81
John..... 41, 81, 83
Lucy M..... 81
Richard..... 81
Hoomes, Robert..... 74
William..... 41
Honor System..... 121-128
Hopewell Church..... 313
Hord, Robert..... 41
John..... 77
Hoskins, J. C..... 112
Hotchkiss, Josiah..... 82
Houston, C. N..... 325
Howe, Eleanor..... 214
Julia..... 379
Hubbard, Benjamin..... 39
Huddleston, William..... 92
Hudgins, John M..... 41, 407
Robert..... 273
Walter G..... 407
Hundley Family..... 467
J. T. T..... 306
Hurt Family..... 441-444
Hutcheson, Ruth..... 161

Illinois County..... 10
Isbell, H. L..... 257
Jackson's Last Winter..... 264
Jackson's Death..... 266
Jesse, C. T..... 110
Jeter, Benjamin..... 161, 257
Eugene..... 161, 257
George R..... 112, 161, 257
Henry..... 162
S. B., Jr..... 111
T. B..... 112
Johnson Family..... 468
Francis..... 223
Lucille..... 159
Richard..... 39
Jones, Hilliary..... 126
John..... 39
M. H..... 257
R. L..... 257
William..... 41
Jordan, Elizabeth..... 159
Bernice..... 164
Everett..... 164
J. L..... 112, 257
Laura..... 160
Judges, List of..... 274
Justices, Colonial..... 275
Kay, Annie..... 165
Ashby..... 165
Ethel..... 165
Floyd..... 165
Ida..... 165
Lottie..... 165
Lucy..... 163
Mabel..... 164
Ursula..... 163
Kean, Caroline M..... 82
John V..... 157
O. D..... 112
Kelly, Clarice..... 165
Kemp, L. H..... 225
Kendrick, A. J..... 109
Kentucky County..... 10
Kidd, Mary..... 164
Kidd's Fork..... 37
Kilwinning-Crosse Lodge..... 87-115
Klock, Madge..... 163
Ruth..... 163
Kociela, Rev. J. F..... 302
Knopf, C. E..... 112
P. O..... 37
Land Grants..... 74-77
Lake Farm..... 367
Lawless, J. T..... 110
Lebanon Church..... 313
Lee, J. K. M..... 295
Lee-Maury High School..... 158-160
Legislative Petitions..... 51-65
Letters of Boucher..... 12-24
Thos. R. Price..... 143
William Woodford..... 187-188
Lewis, Rev. Charles A..... 347
Lucille..... 163
Liberty Church..... 333
Lieutenant, County..... 3
Lightfoot, J. B..... 225
Lindsey, William..... 76
Adam..... 79
List of the Living..... 2
Littlepage's Bridge..... 276
Local Names, Origin of..... 34, 36-37
Lomax, Lunsford..... 40
Thomas..... 39, 41, 77
Long, Albert..... 162
Richard..... 75, 78
Lowkersley, Reuben..... 81
Lowry, Thomas..... 39, 41
Loyal Company..... 84
Luck, Samuel..... 82
Lumber Manufacturing..... 27-30
Lumpkin, Thomas..... 109
Lyon, Hon. George P..... 26, 41

Manuscript Papers..... 277
Marriage Bonds..... 66-73
Martin Family..... 444-447
John..... 140
L. E..... 112, 257
Garnett..... 160
Mary..... 159
Pattie..... 159
Marsh, Geroge..... 79
Marshall, A. B..... 325
Etta..... 163
George..... 355
Rev. James H..... 355
Ninah..... 163
Philip..... 109
Masonic Fac Similes..... 88-100
Records..... 87-115
Masons, List of..... 109-112
Mattaponi Association..... 175
Navigation..... 52
Maulding, Richard..... 75, 78
McAlister, W. L..... 257
McCabe, W. Gordon..... 125
McCown, J. W..... 110
McGruder, William B..... 82
McKenney, Joe L..... 160
McLaughlin Family..... 116
McManaway, J. M..... 110
McWhirt, H. D..... 112, 290
Meaux, Mary O..... 82
Merchants, List of..... 274
Meriwther's Inspection..... 53
Methodist Churches..... 297
Meyer, J. B..... 112, 257
Mica High School..... 161-163
Micou, John..... 76, 80
Midway..... 391
Miller, James..... 77
W. P..... 31
Milford..... 287, 290
Milford Trustees..... 277
Minor Family..... 447-453
Mitchell, Rev. Austin..... 296
Moore, Helen..... 166
Louise..... 166
Moncure Family..... 428-431
Story of E. C..... 258
Cordie Lee..... 159
Richard G..... 159
Morgan, Charles..... 79
Morris, William..... 79
Motley Family..... 453-456
Mount Hermont Church..... 318
Mount Horeb Church..... 330
Mount Church..... 12, 292-297
Mount Zephyr..... 282
Mulberry Place..... 488
Mury, James..... 76
Names in Obituaries..... 81-83
Natural Resources..... 24-25
Neck, The..... 365
Needwood..... 33, 62
Negroes..... 167-176
Deportation of..... 62
Nelson, "Billy"..... 117
Thomas..... 117
New, Anthony..... 41, 50, 96, 492
New Market..... 371
Newspapers, Early..... 83-85
Noel, Rev. Theodric..... 344
North Anna Bridge..... 276
Notes on Colonial Clergy..... 17
Notes and Queries..... 12-24
Nunn, M. A..... 110
Obituary Notices..... 81-83
O'Connell, D. J..... 301
Old Mansion..... 356
Opie, H. L..... 217
Organization of County..... 1
Ormesby..... 476
Oxford..... 65

Packard, Joseph..... 133
Page, Carter..... 109
John..... 41
Willa S..... 134
Palmer, Jack..... 163
Pamunkey Bridge..... 276
Parish, Native of..... 6
Parker, Stafford H..... 41, 42
Ray L..... 112
Parrish, J. G..... 64
Partle, John..... 74
Paul, Thomas..... 94, 105
John..... 105
Pavy Family..... 353
Peatross Family..... 457
Arms..... 459
E. B..... 112
Early..... 161
Evelyn..... 162
Irma..... 162
Marvin..... 162
R. O..... 41, 110, 113
Pearlman, E. L..... 110
Pegg, Hugh M..... 112
Pemberton, William..... 75
Pendleton Family..... 199-204
Arms..... 204
Penn, John..... 205-211
Penola..... 34, 291
Petitions..... 51-66
Pepmeier, Erwin..... 163
Irene..... 163
Peumansend..... 36
Phelps, T. H..... 110
Phippins, Calvin..... 165
Phillips, John..... 76
Physicians..... 116-121
Pickett, John..... 77
Mace..... 77
Pitts, Bernice..... 161
Eugenia..... 165
G. H..... 325
Samuel E..... 41
Point Eastern..... 37
Political Life of Negro..... 175
Pollard, Walker..... 165
Port Royal..... 17, 18, 65, 283
Powers, David B., Jr..... 41
Poyner, W. E..... 112
Pratt Family..... 459-461
R. T..... 411
Precincts..... 277
Presbyterian Church..... 302
Prospect Hill..... 363
Providence Church..... 337
Puller, Everette..... 165
Quaker Church..... 315-316
Quarles, H. L..... 110
William..... 76
Quisenberry, Dr. W. D..... 41, 43
Railroad Construction..... 34, 35
Rains, Henry..... 74, 75
Ignatius..... 76
Roper..... 257
Home..... 289
Rappahannock Academy 58, 292-297
Boats..... 34
Rawlins, Sarah..... 82
Rea, Hugh..... 75
Redd Family..... 461-465
Rehoboth M. E. Church..... 328
Reminiscences..... 258-263
Revolutionary Soldiers..... 226-231
Richards, J. T..... 112, 257
Richardson, R. C..... 112, 275
Richerson, F. B..... 257
Ricks Family..... 478-480
Ritchie, Robert..... 112
Rixey Station..... 34
Madge..... 159
Roane, W. G..... 345
Robb, R. G..... 41
Robinson, Hattie..... 161
Rolph, Reuben..... 165
Moses..... 110
Roman Catholic Churches..... 301-302
Roosevelt, Kermit..... 494
Belle..... 494
Kermit, Jr..... 494
Willard..... 494
Rootes, Thomas R..... 41
Roper, Dr. W. W..... 484
Rowe, Rev. E. H..... 142-146
Thomas..... 63
Rev. John G..... 298
Purcell..... 110
Rows Hill..... 282
Round Oak Church..... 337
Rountree, W. A..... 112
Russell, E. V..... 112, 290
Ruther Glen..... 291

Safety, Committee of..... 37-40
Sale, A. D..... 163
Everett..... 163
Mason..... 159
Milton..... 163
W. E..... 112
Salem Church..... 325
Samuel, Boyd..... 161
Col. A..... 41, 225
Minnie..... 163
Sanford, Lillian..... 161
Sandland, John..... 74
Santee..... 364
Schools, High..... 158-166
Negro..... 174-175
Schooler, Prof. Samuel..... 132-135
Scott Family..... 465-469
Arms..... 469
Scripture, Helen..... 159
Lee..... 159
Seal, Charles..... 112
Harvey..... 165
Seaman Family..... 315
Segar, Rev. H. G..... 342
Selph Family..... 353
Senators, List of..... 42-43
Sener, Judge J. B..... 110
Shackelford, J. G..... 112
Rev. John..... 343
Shaddock, Rev. M. E..... 350
W. B..... 350
Annie..... 166
Sheriffs..... 274
Shipping Advantages..... 24
Shuman, Estelle M..... 427
H. B..... 257
Skinker, B. M.....
B. M., Jr.....
Skinker, Lucy Jordan.....
Signatures..... 88-98
Silhouette of Col. New..... 492
Silk Culture..... 63
Silverheels, Horse..... 85
Simpkins, J. W..... 257
Wheeler..... 161
Sirles, F. Y..... 165
Smith Family..... 382-386
Arms..... 383
Ada..... 159
A. L..... 257
C. T..... 41, 112
D. C..... 257
Dorothy..... 163
Smoot, O. P..... 329
E. G..... 329
John Pollard..... 160
Mary Lyell..... 159
Marion..... 159
Soldiers in Revolution..... 226
Civil War..... 236
World War..... 251
Sottesz, Elizabeth..... 159
Southern Seminary..... 142-146
Southworth, Clyde..... 161
Eugene..... 161
Franklin..... 161
Gladys..... 161
L. E..... 112
Sparta High School..... 163
Spring Grove..... 424
Spring Hill..... 486
Sumac Extract..... 30
Survey Books..... 77-81
Sutton Family..... 469
St. Mary's Parish..... 121, 293
St. Asaph's Parish..... 283
St. Margaret's Parish..... 294
Stage Road..... 31-33
Stayton, William..... 75
Stern, Gen. Jo Lane..... 215
Stiff, T. H..... 110
Stirling, Horse..... 85
Stith-Guiney Controversy..... 117
Stonewall Jackson..... 264
Strawberry Growing..... 25, 290
Streshley, Thomas..... 82
Sumac Extract..... 30
Survey Books..... 77
Sutton Family..... 469
Temperance Hall..... 321
Swain, George W..... 112
Swann Family..... 224, 295
Arms..... 224
Swinton Ann..... 82
Syme, John..... 42

Taliaferro Family..... 470
Arms..... 470
A. A..... 110
Fannie..... 159
Nettie..... 160
W. G..... 257, 402
Taverns, Colonial..... 31-33
Taylor Family..... 471
Arms..... 471
Alma..... 164
Alberta..... 161
Haley..... 163
Horace..... 161
Louise..... 162
John..... 190-198
Temple, Samuel..... 42
Tennant, John..... 39
Terrell Family..... 478
Thomas Family..... 472-475
Arms..... 475
Claude..... 162
Ethel..... 162
Madge..... 162
Thornberry..... 28, 432
Thoughts by Schooler..... 134
Thornton Family..... 475-477
Time Table, Original..... 35
Timberlake Family..... 84
Tobacco Growing..... 25
Todd's Tavern..... 33
Tompkins Family..... 136-137
Travis, R. C..... 112
F. M..... 112
Training School..... 172
Translation of Dr. Anderson..... 138
Treasurers, List of..... 274
Trevilian, Dr. J. G..... 121
Tribble, Rev. Andrew..... 349
Austin M..... 42
Charles..... 162
Mary..... 162
Turner, George..... 76
William..... 83
Tyler Family..... 212
Arms..... 215
Underwood Convention..... 47
Union Tavern..... 33
Upper Zion Church..... 323
Upshaw, James..... 39, 42, 82
R. L..... 257
Valentine, Thomas W..... 134
Thomas C..... 221, 257
Aubrey..... 221
Vaughan, W. A..... 112
Anna..... 163
Billy..... 163
Elliott..... 163
Eugene..... 163
Theresa..... 163
Vestry..... 6-7
Vilboro..... 33
Villages..... 283-292
Vincent, L. D..... 112
Roderick..... 110
Virginia Jockey Club..... 83
Waller Family..... 480-485
Arms..... 481
Ware Family..... 223, 467
S. S..... 296
Warren, Mrs. J. E..... 314
Washington Family..... 485-486
Arms..... 485
Webb, Dr. C. S..... 158
Charles..... 159
Margaret..... 159
William..... 160
Weedon, George..... 92
Weems, Parson..... 32
Welch, T. N..... 407
White, E. A..... 112
E. May..... 112
Bowie..... 165
Edith..... 165
Elizabeth..... 165
George..... 165
Margaret..... 165
Mildred..... 166
S. J. R..... 42
Willard, Joseph E..... 494
Williamson, Rev. C. P..... 154-157
Williamsburg Gazette..... 86
Williams, Clarence..... 257
Mrs. J. F..... 419
Mrs. W. E..... 495
Wyatt E..... 495
Annie..... 162
Mary D..... 159
Wickham, W. C..... 43
Henry..... 43
Wingfield, Joseph A..... 43
Arms..... 496
Discourse of Virginia..... 496-511
Tazewell T..... 456
Woodford, Gen. William..... 185-190
Village..... 291
Woolfolk Family..... 487-489
Wood Family..... 295
Wright, Betty..... 159
Butler..... 165
Charles..... 42
Rev. J. H..... 352
Mary..... 165
Myrtle..... 166
Russell..... 159
Vera..... 166
Virginia..... 159
Wyatt Family..... 490-495

Yarbrough, Edward..... 74
York Warehouse..... 55
Young, Catesby.....
Charles..... 61
Janie..... 161
Rev. John..... 343
Note.—Thousands of personal names appear in this work and to list
all would require more time and space than the Author has at his disposal.
Possibly this index, incomplete as it is, may be better than none at all.
But little more than this can be claimed for it.
In the volume will be found alphabetical lists of all Soldiers, Burgesses,
Delegates, Senators, Congressmen, Merchants, Physicians, Churchmen,
Justices, Attorneys, Sheriffs, Clerks, Masons, Marriage bonds, Land Grants,
Obituaries, Daughters of the Confederacy, etc. (See Contents.)
In addition to these the Genealogist will find hundreds of names scattered
through the Legislative petitions and elsewhere in the body of the work.
Many of these, however, also appear in the Genealogical section of the volume
in connection with the families to which they belong.
![]() | A history of Caroline county, Virginia | ![]() |