![]() | A history of Caroline county, Virginia | ![]() |

(Virginia's First Written History by the First Governor of the Colony. Original MS. in
Lambeth Library.)
[1] Right Worpull and more worthy:—
My due respect to yourselves, my allegiance (if I may so terme
it) to the Virginean action, my good heed to my poore reputacon,
thrust a penne into my handes; so iealous am I to bee missing
to any of them. If it wandereth in extravagantes, yet shall
they not bee idle to those physitions whose loves have undertaken
the saftie and advancement of Virginia.
It is no small comfort that I speake before such gravitie,
whose iudgement no forrunner can forestall with any opprobrious
vntruths, whose wisedomes can easily disroabe malice
out of her painted garments from the ever reverenced truth.
I did so faithfully betroth my best endeavours to this noble
enterprize, as my carriage might endure no suspition. I never
turned my face from daunger, or hidd my handes from labour;
so watchful a sentinel stood myself to myself. I know wel,
a troope of errors continually beseege men's actions; some of
them ceased on by malice, some by ignorance. I doo not hoodwinck
my carriage in my self love, but freely and humblie submit
it to your grave censures.
I do freely and truely anatomize the government and
gouernours, that your experience may applie medicines accordinglie;
and vpon the truth of this iournal do pledge my
faith and life, and so do rest
Yours to command in all service, [Edward Maria Wingfield.]

The Wingfield Arms
Preface to Edward Maria Wingfield's "Discourse of Virginia," Addressed to
His Majesty's Council for Virginia in 1607.

Here followeth what happened in James Towne, in Virginia,
after Captayne Newport's departure for Engliund.
Captayne Newport, haueing allwayes his eyes and eares open
to the proceedings of the Collonye, 3 or 4 dayes before his departure
asked the President how he thought himself settled
in the gouernment: whose answere was, that no disturbance
could indaunger him or the Collonye, but it must be wrought
eyther by Captayne Gosnold or Mr Archer; for the one was
strong wth friends and followers, and could if he would; and
the other was troubled wth an ambitious spirit, and would if he
The Captayne gave them both knowledge of this, the President's
opinion; and moued them, with many intreaties, to be
myndefull of their dutyes to His Matie and the Collonye.
June, 1607. — The 22th, Captayne Newport retorned for
England; for whose good passadge and safe retorne wee made
many prayers to our Almighty God.
June the 25th, an Indian came to us from the great Poughwaton
wth the word of peace; that he desired greatly our freindshipp;
that the wyrounnces, Pasyaheigh and Tapahanagh, should
be our freindes; that wee should sowe and reape in peace, or els
he would make warrs vpon them wth vs. This message fell
out true; for both those wyroaunces haue ever since remayned
in peace and trade with vs. Wee rewarded the messinger wth
many tryfles wch were great wonders to him.
This Powatan dwelleth 10 myles from vs, upon the River
Pamaonche, wch lyeth North from vs. The Powatan in the
former iornall menconed (a dwellar by Captn. Newport's faults)
ys a wyroaunce, and vnder this Great Powaton, wch before wee
knew not.
July. — Th 3 of July, 7 or 8 Indians presented the President
a dear from Pamaonke, a wyrouance, desiring our friendshipp.
They enquired after our shipping; wch the President
said was gon to Croutoon. They fear much our shipps; and
therefore he would not haue them think it farr from us. Their
wyrounce had a hatchet sent him. They wear well contented
wth triffles. A little after this came a dear to the President
from the Great Powatan. He and his messingers were pleased
wth the like triffles. The President likewise bought diuers tymes
dear of the Indyans; beavers, and other flesh; wch he alwayes
caused to be equally deuided among the Collonye.

About this tyme, diuers of our men fell sick. We myssed
about fforty before September did see us; amongst whom was
the worthy and religious gent. Captn. Bartholomew Gosnold,
vpon whose liefs stood a great part of the good succes and fortune
of our gouernment and Collony. In his sicknes tyme, the President
did easily foretel his owne deposing from his comaund;
so much differed the President and the other Councellors in
mannaging the government of the Collonye.
July. — The 7th of July, Tapahanah, a wyroaunce, dweller
on Salisbery side, hayled us with the word of peace. The President,
wth a shallopp well manned, went to him. He found him
sytting on the ground crossed legged, as is theire custom, wh
one attending on him, wch did often saie, "This is the wyroance
Tapahanah;" wch he did likewise confirme wth stroaking his
brest. He was well enough knowne; for the President had sene
him diuse tymes before. His countynance was nothing cherefull;
for we had not seen him since he was in the feild against vs:
but the President would take no knowledge thereof and vsed him
kindely; giving him a red wascoat, wch he did desire.
Tapahanah did enquire after our shipping. He receyued
answer as before. He said his ould store was spent; that his
new was not at full growth by a foote; that, as soone as any
was ripe, he would bring it; wch promise he truly pformed.
The . . . of . . . Mr Kendall was put of from being of
the Counsell, and comitted to prison; for that it did manyfestly
appeare he did practize to sowe discord betweene the President
and Councell.
Sicknes had not now left us vj able men in our towne. God's
onely mercy did now watch and warde for us: but the President
hidd this our weaknes carefully from the salvages; neuer suffring
them, in all his tyme, to come into our towne.
Septem. — The vjth of September, Pasyaheigh sent vs a
boy that was run from vs. This was the first assurance of his
peace wth vs; besides, wee found them no canyballs.
The boye obserued the men & women to spend the most
pt of the night in singing or howling, and that euery morning
the women carryed all the litle children to the river's sides;
but what they did there, he did not knowe.
The rest of the wyroaunces doe likewise send our men
runnagats to vs home againe, vsing them well during their being
with them; so as now, they being well rewarded at home at

The Councell demanded some larger allowance for themselues,
and for some sick, their fauorites; wch the President
would not yeeld vnto, wthout their warrants.
This matter was before ppounded by Captn. Martyn, but so
nakedly as that he neyther knew the quantity of the stoare
to be but for xiij weekes and a half, under the Cape Merchaunt's
hand. He prayed them further to consider the long tyme before
wee expected Captn. Newport's retorne; the incertainty of his
retorne, if God did not fauor his voyage; the long tyme before
our haruest would bee ripe; and the doubtfull peace that wee
had wth the Indyans, wch they would keepe no longer than
oportunity served to doe vs mischeif.
It was then therefore ordered that euery meale of fish or
fleshe should excuse the allowance for pordig, both against the
sick and hole. The Councell, therefore, sitting againe upon
this proposition, instructed in the former reasons and order,
did not thinke fit to break the former order by enlarging their
allowance, as will appeare by the most voyces reddy to be
shewed vnder their handes. Now was the comon store of oyle,
vinigar, sack, & aquavite all spent, saueing twoe gallons of each:
the sack reserued for the Comunion Table, the rest for such
extreamityes as might fall upon vs, wch the President had onely
made knowne to Captn. Gosnold; of wch course he liked well.
The vessells wear, therefore, boonged vpp. When Mr Gosnold
was dead, the President did acquaint the rest of the Counsell
wth the said remnant: but, Lord, how they then longed for to
supp up that little remnant! for they had nowe emptied all their
own bottles, and all other that they could smell out.
A little while after this, the Councell did againe fall vpon
the President for some better allowance for themselves, and
some few the sick, their privates. The President ptested he
would not be partial; but, if one had any thing of him, euery
man should have his portion according to their placs. Neuertheless,
that, vpon their warrants, he would deliuer what pleased
them to demand. Yf the President had at that tyme enlarged
the pportion according to their request, whout doubt, in very
short tyme, he had starued the whole company. He would
not ioyne wth them, therefore, in such ignorant murder whout
their own warrant.
The President, well seeing to what end their ympacience

the Presidentshipp amonge themselues; that he would obey,
a private man, as well as they could comand. But they refused
to discharge him of the place; sayeing they mought not
doe it, for that hee did his Matie good service in yt. In this
meane tyme, the Indians did daily relieue us wth corne and fleshe,
that, in three weekes, the President had reared vpp xx men able
to worke; for, as his stoare increased, he mended the comon
pott: he had laid vp, besides, prouision for 3 weekes' wheate
before hand.
By this tyme, the Councell had fully plotted to depose Wingfield,
ther then President; and had drawne certeyne artycles
in wrighting amongst themselues, and toke their oeathes vpon
the Evangelists to obserue them: th' effect whereof was, first, —
To depose the then President;
To make Mr Ratcliffe the next President;
Not to depose the one th' other;
Not to take the deposed President into Councell againe;
Not to take Mr Archer into the Councell, or any other,
wthout the consent of euery one of them. To theis they had
subscribed; as out of their owne mouthes, at seuerall tymes,
it was easily gathered. Thus had they forsaken his Mats governmt,
sett vs downe in the instruccons, & made it a Triumvirat.
It seemeth Mr Archer was nothing acquainted wth theis
artycles. Though all the rest crept out of his noats and
comentaryes that were preferred against the President, yet it
pleased God to cast him into the same disgrace and pitt that
he prepared for another, as will appeare hereafter.
Septem. — The 10 of September, Mr Ratcliff, Mr Smyth,
and Mr Martynn, came to the President's tennt with a warrant,
subscribed vnder their handes, to depose the President; sayeing
they thought him very unworthy to be eyther President or
of the Councell, and therefore discharged him of bothe. He
answered them, that they had eased him of a great deale of care
and trouble; that, long since, hee had diuers tymes profered
them the place at an easier rate; and, further, that the President
ought to be remoued (as appeareth in his Mats instruccons for
our government) by the greater number of xiij voyces, Councellors;
that they were but three, and therefore wished them
to proceede advisedly. But they told him, if they did him
wrong, they must answere it. Then said the deposed President,

I will now write what followeth in my owne name, and giue
the new President his title. I shall be the briefer being thus
discharged. I was comytted to a Serieant, and sent to the
pynnasse; but I was answered wth, "If they did me wronge,
they must answere it."
The 11th of September, I was sent for to come before the
President and Councell vpon their Court daie. They had now
made Mr Archer, Recorder of Virginia. The President made a
speeche to the Collony, that he thought it fitt to acquaint them
whie I was deposed. I ame now forced to stuff my paper with
frivolous trifles, that our graue and worthy Councell may the
better strike those vaynes where the corrupt blood lyeth, and
that they may see in what manner of governmt the hope of the
Collony now travayleth.
Ffirst, Master President said that I had denyed him a penny
whitle, a chickyn, a spoonfull of beere, and serued him wth
foule corne; and wth that pulled some graine out of a bagg,
shewing it to the company.
Then start up Mr Smyth, and said that I had told him
playnly how he lied; and that I said, though we were equall
heere, yet, if we were in England, I would think scorne his
name should be my companyon.
Mr Martyn followed wth, "He reporteth that I doe slack
the service in the Collonye, and doe nothing but tend my pott,
spitt, and oven; but he hath starued my sonne, and denyed
him a spoonefull of beere. I haue freinds in England shal be
revenged on him, if euer he come in London."
I asked Mr President if I should answere theis complts,
and whether he had ought els to charge me wthall. Wth that
he pulled out a paper booke, loaded full wth artycles against
me, and gaue them Mr Archer to reade.
I tould Mr President and the Councell, that, by the instruccons
for our governmt, our proceedings ought to be verball,
and I was there ready to answere; but they said they would
proceede in that order. I desired a coppie of the articles, and
tyme giuen me to answere them likewise by wrighting; but that
would not be graunted. I badd them then please themselues.
Mr Archer then read some of the artycles; when, on the suddaine,
Mr President said, "Staie, staie! Wee know not whether he

King;" sayeing to me, "How saie you: Will you appeale to the
King, or no?" I apprehended presently that God's mercy had
opened me a waie, through their ignorance, to escape their malice;
for I never knew how I might demande an appeale: besides, I
had secret knowledge how they had foreiudged me to paie fiue
fold for any thing that came to my handes, whereof I would
not discharge myself by wrighting; and that I should lie in
prison vntil I had paid it.
The Cape Marchant had deliured me our marchandize,
wthout any noat of the perticularyties, vnder my hand; for
himself had receyued them in grosse. I likewise, as occation
moued me, spent them in trade or by guift amongst the Indians.
So likewise did Captn. Newport take of them, when he went
up to discouer the King's river, what he thought good, without
any noate of his hand mentioning the certainty; and disposed
of them as was fitt for him. Of these, likewise, I could make
no accompt; onely I was well assured I had neuer bestowed the
valewe of three penny whitles to my own vse, nor to the private
vse of any other; for I never carryed any fauorite over wth me,
or intertayned any thear. I was all to one and one to all.
Vpon theis consideracons, I answered Mr President and the
Councell, that His Matys handes were full of mercy, and that
I did appeale to His Mats mercy. They then comytted me
prisoner againe to the master of ye pynnasse, wth theis words,
"Looke to him well: he is now the King's prisoner."
Then Mr Archer pulled out of his bosome another paper
book full of artycles against me, desiring that he might reade
them in the name of the Collony. I said I stood there ready
to answere any man's complaintt whome I had wronged; but
no one man spoke one word against me. Then was he willed
to reade his booke, whereof I complayned; but I was still
answered, "If they doe me wrong, they must answer it." I
have forgotten the most of the artycles, they were so slight
(yet he glorieth much in his pennworke). I know well the last:
and a speeche that he then made savoured well for a mutyny;
for he desired that by no means I might lye prysoner in the
towne, least boath he and others of the Collony should not giue
such obedience to their comaund as they ought to doe: which
goodly speech of his they easilye swallowed.
But it was vsuall and naturall to this honest gent., Mr Archer,

Hee might haue appeered an author of 3 seuerall mutynies.
And hee (as Mr Pearsie sent me worde) had bought some
witnesses' handes against me to diuers artycles, wth Indian
cakes (wch was noe great matter to doe after my deposal, and
considering their hungar), perswations, and threats. At another
tyme, he feared not to saie openly, and in the presence of one of
the Councell, that, if they had not deposed me when they did,
he hadd gotten twenty others to himself wch should haue deposed
me. But this speech of his was likewise easily disiested.
Mr Crofts feared not to saie, that, if others would ioyne wth
him, he would pull me out of my seate, and out of my skynn
too. Others would saie (whose names I spare), that, vnless
I would amend their allowance, they would be their owne
caruers. For these mutinus speeches I rebuked them openly,
and proceeded no further against them, considering thein of
men's liues in the King's service there. One of the Councell
was very earnest wth me to take a guard aboute me. I answered
him, I would no guard but God's love and my own innocencie.
In all theis disorders was Mr Archer a ringleader.
When Mr President and Mr Archer had made an end of
their artycles aboue mentioned, I was again sent prisoner to
the pynnasse; and Mr Kendall, takeinge from thence, had his
liberty, but might not carry armes.
All this while, the salvages brought to the towne such corn
and fflesh as they could spare. Paspaheighe, by Tapahanne's
mediation, was taken into freindshipp with vs. The Councillors,
Mr Smyth especially, traded vp and downe the river wth the
Indyans for corne; wch releued the Collony well.
As I understand by a report, I am much charged wth staruing
the Collony. I did alwaies giue eury man his allowance
faithfully, both of corne, oyle, aquivite, &c., as was by the
Counsell proportioned: neyther was it bettered after my tyme,
untill, towards th' end of March, a bisket was allowed to euery
workeing man for his breakefast, by means of the puision brought
vs by Captn. Newport; as will appeare hereafter. It is further
said, I did much banquit and ryot. I never had but one squirell
roasted; whereof I gave part to Mr Ratcliff, then sick: yet was
that squirell given me. I did never heate a flesh pott but when
the comon pot was so used likewise. Yet how often Mr President's
and the Councellors' spitts haue night & daye bene endaungered

ducks, &c! how many times their flesh potts haue swelled, many
hungry eies did behold, to their great longing; and what great
theeues and theeving thear hath been in the comon stoare since
my tyme, I doubt not but is already made knowne to his Mats
Councell for Virginia.
The 17th daie of Septembr, I was sent for to the Court to
answere a complaint exhibited against me by Jehu Robinson;
for that, when I was President, I did saie, hee wth others had
consented to run awaye with the shallop to Newfoundland.
At an other tyme, I must answere Mr Smyth for that I had
said hee did conceal an intended mutany. I tould Mr Recorder,
those words would beare no actions; that one of the
causes was done wthout the lymits menconed in the Patent
graunted to vs; and therefore prayed Mr President that I
mought not be thus lugged with theis disgraces and troubles:
but hee did weare no other eies or eares than grew on Mr
Archer's head.
The jury gaue the one of them 100ti and the other two
hundred pound damages for slaunder. Then Mr Recorder
did very learnedly comfort me, that, if I had wrong, I might
bring my writ of error in London; whereat I smiled.
I, seeing their law so speedie and cheape, desired justice
for a copper kettle wch Mr Crofte did deteyne from me. Hee
said I had giuen it him. I did bid him bring his proofe for
that. Hee confessed he had no proofe. Then Mr President
did aske me if I would be sworne I did not giue it him. I said
I knew no cause whie to sweare for myne owne. He asked
Mr Crofts if hee would make oath I did give it him; wch oathe
he tooke, and wonn my kettle from me, that was in that place
and tyme worth half his weight in gold. Yet I did understand
afterwards that he would haue given John Capper the one half
of the kettle to haue taken the oath for him; but hee would no
copper on that price.
I tould Mr President I had not known the like lawe, and
prayed they would be more sparing of law vntill wee had more
witt or wealthe; that lawes were good spies in a populous,
peaceable, and plentifull country, whear they did make the
good men better, & stayed the badd from being worse; yt wee
weare so poore as they did but rob us of tyme that might be
better ymployed in service in the Collonye.

The . . . daie of . . . the President did beat James Read,
the Smyth. The Smythe stroake him againe. For this he
was condempned to be hanged; but, before he was turned of
the lather, he desired to speak with the President in private, to
whome he accused Mr Kendall of a mutiny, and so escaped
himself. What indictment Mr Recorder framed against the
Smyth, I knowe not; but I knowe it is familiar for the President,
Counsellors, and other officers, to beate men at their pleasures.
One lyeth sick till death, another walketh lame, the third cryeth
out of all his boanes; wch myseryes they doe take vpon their
consciences to come to them by this their almes of beating.
Wear this whipping, lawing, beating, and hanging, in Virginia,
knowne in England, I fear it would driue many well affected
myndes from this honoble action of Virginia.
This Smyth comyng aboord the pynnasse wth some others,
aboute some busines, 2 or 3 dayes before his arraignemt, brought
me comendacons from Mr Pearsye, Mr Waller, Mr Kendall,
and some others, saieing they would be glad to see me on shoare.
I answered him, they were honest gent., and had carryed themselues
very obediently to their gounors. I prayed God that they
did not think of any ill thing vnworthie themselues. I added
further, that vpon Sundaie, if the weathiar were faire, I would
be at the sermon. Lastly, I said that I was so sickly, starued,
lame, and did lye so could and wett in the pynnasse, as I would
be dragged thithere before I would goe thither any more. Sundaie
proued not faire: I went not to the sermon.
The . . . daie of . . ., Mr Kendall was executed; being
shott to death for a mutiny. In th' arrest of his judgmt, he
alleaged to Mr President yt his name was Sicklemore, not
Ratcliff; & so had no authority to pnounce judgmt. Then Mr
Martyn pnounced judgmt.
Somewhat before this tyme, the President and Councell had
sent for the keyes of my coffers, supposing that I had some
wrightings concerning the Collony. I requested that the Clearke
of the Councell might see what they tooke out of my coffers;
but they would not suffer him or any other. Vnder cullor heereof,
they took my books of accompt, and all my noates that concerned
the expences of the Collony, and instructions vnder Cape-Marchant's
hande of the stoare of prouision, diuers other bookes
& trifles of my owne proper goods, wch I could neuer receover.
Thus was I made good prize on all sides.

The . . . daie of . . ., the President comanded me to come
on shore; wch I refused, as not rightfully deposed, and desired
that I mought speake to him and the Councell in the pesence of
10 of the best sorte of the gent. Wth much intreaty, some of
them wear sent for. Then I tould them I was determined to
goe into England to acquaint our Councell there with our weaknes.
I said furhter, their lawes and governmt was such as I had no
ioye to liue under them any longer; that I did much myslike
their triumverat haueing forsaken his Mats instruccons for our
government, and therefore praied there might be more made
of the Councell. I said further, I desired not to go into England,
if eyther Mr President or Mr Archer would goe, but was willing
to take my fortune wth the Collony; and did also proffer to
furnish them wth 100ti towards the fetching home the Collonye,
if the action was given ouer. They did like of none of my
proffers, but made diuers shott att mee in the pynnasse. I
seeing their resolucons, went ashoare to them; whear, after I
had staied a while in conference, they sent me to the pynnasse
Decem. — The 10th of December, Mr Smyth went vp the
ryuer of the Chechohomynies to trade for corne. He was
desirous to see the heade of that riuer; and, when it was not
passible wth the shallop, he hired a cannow and an Indian to
carry him vp further. The river the higher grew worse and
worse. Then hee went on shoare wth his guide, and left Robinson
& Emmery, twoe of our Men, in the cannow; wch were presently
slayne by the Indians, Pamaonke's men, and hee himself taken
prysoner, and, by the means of his guide, his lief was saved;
and Pamaonche, haueing him prisoner, carryed him to his
neybors wyroances to see if any of them knew him for one of
those wch had bene, some twoe or three yeers before vs, in a
river amongst them Northward, and taken awaie some Indians
from them by force. At last he brought him to the great Powaton
(of whome before wee had no knowledg), who sent him home to
our towne the viijth of January.
During Mr Smythe's absence, the President did swear Mr
Archer one of the Councell, contrary to his oath taken in the
artycles agreed vpon betweene themselues (before spoken of),
and contrary to the King's instruccons, and wthout Mr Martyn's
consent; whereas there weare no more but the President and Mr
Martyn then of the Councell.

Mr Archer, being settled in his authority, sought how to
call Mr Smyth's lief in question, and had indited him vpon a
chapter in Leuiticus for the death of his twoe men. He had
had his tryall the same daie of his retorne, and, I believe, his
hanging the same or the next daie, so speedie is our lawe there.
But it pleased God to send Captn. Newport vnto us the same
evening, to or vnspeakable comfort; whose arrivall saued Mr
Smyth's leif and mine, because hee took me out of the pynnasse,
and gaue me leave to lye in the towne. Also by his comyng
was pevented a parliamt, wch ye newe Counsailor, Mr Recorder,
intended thear to summon. Thus error begot error.
Captayne Newport, haueing landed, lodged, and refreshed
his men, ymploied some of them about a faire stoare house,
others about a stove, and his maryners aboute a church; all
wch workes they finished cherefully and in short tyme.
January. — The 7 of January, our towne was almost quite
burnt, with all our apparell and prouision; but Captn. Newport
healed our wants, to our great comforts, out of the great plenty
sent vs by the prouident and loving care of our worthie and most
worthie Councell.
This vigilant Captayne, slacking no opportunity that might
advaunce the prosperity of the Collony, haueing setled the
company vppon the former workes, took Mr Smyth and Mr
Scrivenor (another Councellor of Virginia, vpon whose discretion
liveth a great hope of the action), went to discouer the River
Pamaonche, on the further side whearof dwelleth the Great
Powaton, and to trade wth him for corne. This River lieth
North from vs, and runneth East and West. I haue nothing
but by relation of that matter, and therefore dare not make
any discourse thereof, lest I mought wrong the great desart
wch Captn. Newport's loue to the action hath deserued; espially
himself being present, and best able to giue satisfaccon thereof.
I will hasten, therefore, to his retorne.
March. — The 9th of March, he retorned to James Towne
wth his pynnasse well loaden wth corne, wheat, beanes, and
pease, to our great comfort & his worthi comendacons.
By this tyme, the Counsell & Captayne, haueing intentiuely
looked into the carryadge both of the Councellors and other
officers, remoued some officers out of the stoare, and Captn.
Archer, a Councellor whose insolency did looke vpon that litle
himself wth great sighted spectacles, derrogating from others'

vpon them, as doth appeare in hiw owne hand wrighting; ffor
wch, and other worse tricks, he had not escaped ye halter, but
that Captn. Newport interposed his advice to the contrary.
Captayne Newport, haueing now dispatched all his busines
and set the clocke in a true course (if so the Councell will keep
it), prepared himself for England vpon the xth of Aprill, and
arryued at Blackwall on Sunday, the xxjth of Maye, 1608.
I humbly craue some patience to answere many scandalus
imputacons wch malice, more than malice, hath scattered vpon
my name, and those frivolous three names obiected against
me by the President and Councell; and though nil conscire
sibi be the onely maske that can well couer my blushes, yett
doe I not doubt but this my appologie shall easily wipe them
It is noised that I combyned wth the Spanniards to the distruccon
of the Collony; That I ame an atheist, because I carryed
not a Bible wth me, and because I did forbid the preacher to
preache; that I affected a kingdome; That I did hide of the
comon prouision in the ground.
I confesse I haue alwayes admyred any noble vertue &
prowesse, as well in the Spanniards (as in other nations); but
naturally I haue alwayes distrusted and disliked their neighborhoode.
I sorted many bookes in my house, to be sent vp
to me at my goeing to Virginia; amongst them a Bible. They
were sent me vp in a trunk to London, wth diuers fruite, conserues,
& Peserues, wch I did sett in Mr Crofts his house in
Ratcliff. In my beeing at Virginia, I did vnderstand my trunk
was thear broken vp, much lost, my sweetmeates eaten at his
table, some of my bookes wch I missed to be seene in his hands;
and whether amongst them my Bible was so ymbeasiled or
mislayed by my seruants, and not sent me, I knowe not as yet.
Two or three Sundayes mornings, the Indians gave vs
allarums at our towne. By that tymes they weare answered,
the place about us well discouered, and our devyne service
ended, the daie was farr spent. The preacher did aske me if
it were my pleasure to haue a sermon: hee said hee was prepared
for it. I made answere, that our men were weary and
hungry, and that he did see the time of the daie farr past (for

finished, he began his sermon); & that, if it pleased him, wee
would spare him till some other tyme. I never failed to take
such noates by wrighting out of his doctrine as my capacity
could comprehend, vnless some raynie day hindred my indeauor.
My mynde never swelled with such ympossible mountebank
humors as could make me affect any other kingdome than the
kingdom of heaven.
As truly as God liueth, I gave an ould man, then the keeper
of the private stoure, 2 glasses wth sallet oyle wch I brought
wth me out of England for my private stoare, and willed him
to bury it in the ground, for that I feared the great heate would
spoile it. Whatsoeuer was more, I did never consent vnto or
knewe of it; and as truly was it protested vnto me, that all the
remaynder before menconed of the oyle, wyne, &c, wch the
President recyued of me when I was deposed, they themselues
poored into their owne bellyes.
To the President's and Councell's obiections I saie, that I
doe knowe courtesey and civility became a governor. No penny
whitle was asked me, but a kniffe, whereof I had none to spare.
The Indyans had long before stoallen my knife. Of chickins
I never did eat but one, and that in my sicknes. Mr Ratcliff
had before that time tasted of 4 or 5. I had by my owne huswiferie
bred aboue 37, and the most part of them of my owne poultrye;
of all wch, at my comyng awaie, I did not see three liueing. I
never denyed him (or any other) beare, when I had it. The
corne was of the same wch wee all liued vpon.
Mr Smyth, in the tyme of our hungar, had spread a rumor
in the Collony, that I did feast myself and my seruants out of
the comon stoare, wth entent (as I gathered) to haue stirred
the discontented company against me. I tould him privately,
in Mr Gosnold's tent, that indeede I had caused half a pint of
pease to be sodden wth a peese of pork, of my own prouision,
for a poore old man, wch in a sicknes (whereof he died) he much
desired; and said, that if out of his malice he had given it out
otherwise, that hee did tell a leye. It was proued to his face
that he begged in Ireland, like a rogue, wthout a lycence. To
such I would not my name should be a companyon.
Mr Martin's payns, during my comaund, never stirred out of
our towne tenn scoare; and how slack hee was in his watching
and other dutyes, it is too well knowne. I never defrauded

it. I believe their disdainefull vsage and threats, which they
many tymes gaue me, would have pulled some distempered
speeches out of fare greater pacyence than myne. Yet shall
not any revenging humor in me befoule my penn wth their base
names and liues here and there. I did visit Mr Pearsie, Mr
Hunt, Mr Brewster, Mr Pickasse, Mr Allicock, ould Short the
bricklayer, and diuerse others, at seuerall tymes. I never miskalled
at a gent. at any tyme.
Concerning my deposing from my place, I can well proue
that Mr Ratcliff said, if I had vsed him well in his sicknes
(wherein I find not myself guilty of the contrary), I had never
bene deposed.
Mr. Smyth said, if it had not bene for Mr Archer, I hadd
never bene deposed. Since his being here in the towne, he hath
said that he tould the President and Councell that they were
frivolous obiections they had collected against me, and that
they had not done well to depose me. Yet, in my conscience,
I doe believe him the first & onely practizer in theis practisses.
Mr Archer's quarrell to me was, because hee had not the choice
of the place for our plantation; because I misliked his leying out
of our towne, in the pinnasse; because I would not sware him
of the Councell for Virginia, wch neyther I could doe or he deserve.
Mr Smyth's quarrell, because his name was menconed in the
entended & confessed mutiny by Galthropp.
Thomas Wootton, the surieon, because I would not subscribe
to a warrant (wch he had gotten drawne) to the Treasurer of
Virginia, to deliuer him money to furnish him wth druggs and
other necessaryes; & because I disallowed his living in the
pinnasse, haueing many of our men lyeing sick & wounded in or
towne, to whose dressings by that meanes he slacked his attendance.
Of the same men, also, Captn. Gosnold gaue me warning,
misliking much their dispositions, and assured me they would
lay hold of me if they could; and peradventure many, because
I held them to watching, warding, and workeing; and the Collony
generally, because I would not giue my consent to starue them.
I cannot rack one word or thought from myself, touching my
carryadg in Virginia, other than is herein set down.
If I may now, at the last, pesume vpon yor favors, I am
an hble suitor that your owne loue of truth will vouchsafe to

me into this affaire of Virginia. For my first worke (wch was
to make a right choice of a spirituall pastor), I appeale to the
remembraunce of my Lo. of Caunt: his grace, who gaue me
very gracious audience in my request. And the world knoweth
whome I took wth me: truly, in my opinion, a man not any waie
to be touched wth the rebellious humors of a popish spirit, nor
blemished wth ye least suspition of a factius scismatick, whereof
I had a spiall care. For other obiections, if your worthie selues
be pleased to set me free, I haue learned to despise ye populer
verdict of ye vulgar. I ever chered up myself wth a confidence
in ye wisdome of graue, iudicious senators; & was never dismayed,
in all my service, by any synister event: though I bethought
me of ye hard beginnings, wch, in former ages, betided those
worthy spirits that planted the greatest monarchies in Asia &
Europe; wherein I obserued rather ye troubles of Moses & Aron,
with other of like history, than that venom in the mutinous brood
of Cadmus, or that harmony in ye swete consent of Amphion.
And when, wth ye former, I had considered that even the
betheren, at their plantacon of the Romaine Empire, were not
free from mortall hatred & intestine garboile, likewise that both
ye Spanish & English records are guilty of like factions, it made
me more vigilant in the avoyding thereof: and I ptest, my
greatest contencon was to pevent contencon, and my chiefest
endeavour to peserue the liues of others, though wth great hazard
of my own; for I neuer desired to enamell my name wth bloude.
I reioice that my trauells & daungers haue done somewhat for
the behoof of Jerusalem in Virginia. If it be obiected as my
ouersight to put my self amongst such men, I can saie for myself,
thear were not any other for or consort; & I could not forsake
ye enterprise of opening so glorious a kingdom vnto ye King,
wherein I shall ever be most ready to bestow ye poore remainder
of my dayes, as in any other his heighnes' dissignes, according
to my bounden duty, wth ye vtmost of my poore tallent.

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