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Who inquires for me?

Men. Epi.
'Tis one, who to himself is more an enemy,
Than such to you.

My dear Menæchmus, why
Do'st stand before the door? Follow me in.

Men. Epi.
Stay here a little. Do you know the reason
I now come to you?

I know it very well:
'Tis to amuse yourself along with me.

Men. Epi.
That robe I lately gave you, prithee, love,
Restore it.—For my wife hath been appris'd,
And knows the whole affair from first to last.
I'll buy one for you twice as rich, you'll like—

I gave it you but now, to carry it
To th'embroiderer's; with it, a bracelet
To give the jeweller to set a-new.

Men. Epi.
You gave to me a bracelet, and the robe?


Never—For when I'd giv'n the robe to you,
I went directly to the market-place:
Now first return I; nor have seen you since.

I see through your design: because I trusted you,
You would deceive me; that 'tis you would do.

Men. Epi.
I do not ask you for it to defraud you,
But tell you, that my wife knows all the affair.

Nor did I ask you for it: you yourself
Gave it me freely; as a gift, you gave it;
And now demand it back. Well, be it so:
Let it be your's, take it; make use of it,
You or your wife, preserve it as your eyes:
But don't deceive yourself; after this day
You never shall set foot within my doors,
Since you have treated with contempt a woman,
Who has not merited such usage from you.
Next time you come, be sure bring money with you,
You shall not have to visit me for nothing.
Henceforth find some one else to disappoint.

Men. Epi.
You are too hasty—Hark you!—Stay—Come back

Still are you there? and dare on my account
Still to return?
[Exit Erotium.

Men. Epi.
She's gone—has shut the door.
Now I'm turn'd out indeed: nor can I gain
Credit, or from my mistress or my wife.
I'll go, consult my friends in the affair.
