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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir,

The Daily Advertiser of this date contains several
important articles of information, which need only
to be referred to. I inclose it, with a few other late
papers. Neither French nor English packet is yet
arrived; and the present weather would prevent their
getting in if they should be on the Coast. I have
heard nothing of consequence from Massachusetts
since my last. The accounts from New Hampshire
continue to be as favorable as could be wished.
From South Carolina we get no material information.
A letter from Georgia of the 25 of Decr. says
that the Convention was getting together at Augusta
and that everything wore a federal complexion.[43]
N. Carolina, it seems, has been so complaisant to
Virginia as to postpone her Convention till July.
We are without a Congress.

With perfect esteem & attachment I remain, Dear
Sir Your Obedt. humble Servt.


Georgia ratified January 2, 1788, the fourth State.