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The completion of the main Academic building and the adjacent
Rouss Physical Laboratory and Mechanical Laboratory, as also the
restoration of the Rotunda and additions thereto, were announced in
the last Catalogue.


At a regular meeting of the Board of Visitors June 16th, 1898, a
communication was received from Henry L. Higginson, Treasurer of
J. W. and Belinda Randall Charities Corporation, enclosing a check
for $20,000, a gift voted the University of Virginia by the Trustees,
June 10th, 1898, on the following condition: "Voted that the sum of
twenty thousand dollars be given to the University of Virginia on condition
that it shall either be used for the erection of a building to be
known as the `John W. and Belinda L. Randall Building,' or be
invested by said University and held as a permanent fund to be known
as the `John W. and Belinda L. Randall fund,' the income only to be
used, either for Randall Scholarships, or for other needs for said

At a subsequent meeting October 13th, 1898, the Board of Visitors,
desirous to expend the gift in the manner most helpful to the University
and at the same time to create a lasting memorial of the liberal
spirit which prompted the benefaction, resolved that the $20,000 be
expended in the erection of additional dormitory facilities at the
University to be known as the "John W. and Belinda L. Randall

It has been completed and is a large and handsome building of
forty-three student rooms, heated by steam, lighted by electricity
and furnished with four bath-rooms and water-closets.


Though the University has for several years possessed a commodious
dispensary with additional clinical facilities, one of the great
needs of the institution has been a well equipped hospital. With gratification
announcement is made that work has been begun on an ample
hospital building. For particulars see page 134.