Board of Visitors minutes November 29, 1921 | ||
November 29, 1921
A special meeting of the Rector and Visitors was held on
this date at which were present the Rector, John Stewart Bryan,
H. D. Dillard, W. R, Duke, E. L. Greever, Walter T. Oliver, Alexander
F. Robertson, Fred W. Scott, C. Harding Walker and President
Minutes of the previous meeting, which had been copied and
sent to each member, were approved.
The President announced the attendance of 1673 students
for the session to date. He also announced the following
gifts and was requested to prepare a proper resolution concerning
Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Dr. Thomas Cooper, then
President of the University of South Carolina, from
Mrs. J. T. Guenette, of Chandler, Okla., whose first
husband, James Jackson Hanna, was grandson of Dr.
Cooper to whom letter is addressed.
Framed picture, showing the Harbors of Norfolk, Portsmouth
and Newport News, in 1950, from Captain
W. R. Boutwell, of the Virginia-Pilot Association
of Norfolk, Va.
Portrait (in charcoal) of Dr. Basil L. Gildersleeve, from
Mr. Frederic S. Wight, of Chatha, Mass., a student
at the University of Virginia.
Textbooks used by Lieut. Francis Worth Payne, of Charleston,
West Virginia, while a student of the Law School, from
which he graduated in June 1916. Lieut. Payne was
killed in action in France, July 20, 1918
Pensylvania Statutes Complete to 1920...1 vol., from Mr.
William Curtis Bok, Merion Station, Pa., to the Law
Dr. J. H. Neff made application on behalf of the Thomas
Jefferson Eating Club for a site on the grounds of the University
for the purpose of erecting a Chapter House. After a full discussion
of the matter the following was adopted:
RESOLVED, That the Rector and Visitors of the University
approve of the purpose of the Thomas Jefferson Eating
Club to build an exact copy of the Temple of Eleusis, in
Indiana Limestone, and leases on the usual terms to this
Society for that purpose the use of the necessary land,
situated in the triangle between the site of the Chapel and
residence of Physical Director Lannigan.
The Architectural Commission in charge of the location and
erection of the New Gymnasium submitted the following report:
July 13, 1921
University of Virginia.
In response to your invitation the undersigned members
of the Architectural Commission met at the University to
consider sites and recommend a site for the Gymnasium.
In our judgment the problem consists of providing a location
which will allow of the necessary space for all the
outdoor and indoor activities which are required by the
present conception of physical education and also permit
of future enlargement to accomodate a greatly increased
number of students. The primary consideration of any
site must therefore be that it shall afford level space
immediately adjacent to the gymnasium building for ball
grounds, tennis courts, hand ball courts, running tracks,
gymnastic drills for classes of possibly 500 to 1000 men,
without interfering with intercollegiate athletics.
Another consideration is that the site shall be as near as
possible the center of student life, both of class-room
and dormitory, so that the gymnasium can be utilized at
all hours with the least loss of time, for remedial physical
class work, recreational exercises and sports. Since
the building will be the largest and most imposing at the
University, with the exception of the Rotunda, it is important
that it be given a beautiful setting and its architectural
qualities thereby enhanced.
With these considerations in mind and after a personal
inspection of all the available sites, we recommend that
the gymnasium be located west of the present ice pond on
the plateau between it and the public road; that the gymnasium
face east toward the crossing of Rugby and Ivy
Roads; that the marshy ground to the south of the ice pond
be filled in to provide level space for outdoor athletic
activities; and that the entire level valley between Ivy
Road and the Railroad track west of Carr's Hill be reserved
and utilized as needed for outdoor athletics and be connected
with Lambeth Field through the existing culvert under the
railroad track.
We further recommend that the end of the valley south
of the ice pond be utilized for future dormitory groups,
where, on account of the western slope of the land, three
and four story buildings can be erected without conflicting
with the two story buildings of the Lawn group.
This comprehensive development, far more thant that
of any other which has been considered, will take care of the
future needs of the University for dormitories, athletic
life, and student recreational activities. The dormitories,
golf course, gymnasium skating, tennis courts and outdoor
athletics will form a connected group with Lambeth Field
that can never be crowded out by other needs of the University,
and in this way the mistake which has been made by so
many colleges of not providing adequate space for future
development avoided.
While we have not allowed oursleves to be influenced
too strongly by the desire for beauty of architectural setting,
we think that a very important advantage of the site
recommended is the great potential charm of the surroundings.
The building would be seen from the upper level of the Ivy
Road and from the west side of the old grounds, outlined
against a background of mountains, with s small lake in
front of its main facade, giving a charming reflection and an
approach of unusual beauty.
We reached our choice after having rejected the other
sites for the following reasons:
The Y. M. C. A. site - Much too small as it gives no
adequate space for the outdoor activities of class work and
games which equal in importance the indoor activities of a
gymnasium, and is surrounded by grounds which cannot be
controlled by the University; badly pocketed by the sloping
east and west banks so that the treatment of any building
will be handicapped.
Site between Kappa Sigma fraternity house and railroad -
smaller than the above site and in addition slopes steeply
to the west and so situated that any building on it cannot
be seen from a distance.
Athletic Casino - no opportunity for outdoor athletics
except on Lambeth Field, which is already utilized to the
limit with its regular team activities. This site is also
farther from the center of student life.
Site between Ivy Road and railroad west of Carr's Hill -
it is proposed to incorporate this space into the scheme of
athletic development. If the gymnasium were located on this
site it would be hidden by Carr's Hill and be further away
from student life.
At first glance it might appear that thesite suggested
is remote and difficult of access, but this is far from
the fact for the distance from the Rotunda to the proposed
site is 1200 feet, from the crossing of Rugby and Ivy Roads,
900 feet, and from Monroe Hill, 1000 feet.
The following supplementary report of the Architectural
Commission was also submitted:
The Architectural Commission has considered and studied
at length all phases of the gymnasium problem and now submits
these plans which, in our unanimous professional judgment,
are the most economical solution which meets all the
obligatory requirements. We submit an approximate estimate of
cost prepared by Mr. W. P. Thurston, the Richmond contractor,
in the sum of $259,000.00. On this basis we recommend
that the Board authorize the preparation of working
drawings and specifications on which bids for the work
may be secured.
Pursuant to the foregoing report, the following resolutions
were adopted:
RESOLVED, That the Rector and Visitors approve of the
site and plans for the proposed gymnasium recommended by the
report of the Committee of the Visitors upon the advice of the
Architectural Commission appointed to advise upon site and
prepare plans for the gymnasium.
RESOLVED, further, That, in lieu of the usual architect's
fees for the gymnasium, the sum of $9,500 be and is hereby
appropriated for compensation and expenses of the Architectural
Commission and of the University Architect's office.
RESOLVED, further, That the Rector and Visitors approve of
the resolution passed by the Alumni Board of Trustees of the
University of Virginia Endowment Fund, at their meeting on
October 24, 1921, that the Board of Alumni Trustees, recognizing
the generous subscription of $146,000 by the students of the
University to the Centennial Endowment Fund, and further recognizing
the urgent need at the University of a new gymnasium, towards
the cost of the construction of which the subscription
of the students was made, hereby declares that in its judgment
the first capital outlay to be made from the proceeds of the Fund
should be for the construction of the Gymnasium.
Professor Charles Hancock, Engineer in charge of the construction
of the New Heating Plant, submitted the following report:
November 28, 1921
University of Virginia.
According to general plans and specifications of
the central heating system, prepared by myself and adopted
by the engineering faculty, construction will go
forward, as funds become available, in three sections.
The first section, to be installed for $60,000 now
available, comprises:
1. Permanent mains from the power house to East Range.
These mains are of sufficient capacity to serve all
buildings west of the Hospital and Chemical laboratory
with an allowance of 100% for future development.2. Complete heating equipment of East Range, East Lawn
and the Rotunda.3. The necessary changes and additions to the new power
plant to provide for the added load.
This section is now being installed by Messrs. Almirall
& Company of New York, and, if weather conditions continue
favorable, should be in operation by January first.
The second section comprises:
1. Extension of permanent mains to Peabody Hall.
2. Complete heating equipment of West Lawn, West Range,
the commons, old medical hall and the Peabody group.3. Substantial enlargement of the new power house, erection
of a permanent chimney, installation of a large boiler
and additional water heaters.
The estimated cost of this section is $96,500.
The third section comprises:
1. Abandonment of the old power plant and transfer of
all apparatus fit for use to the newplant.2. Extension of permanent mains from East Range to Brook's
museum, the nurses' home, Physical and Mechanical
laboratories, Cabell Hall and the old infirmary.3. Complete heating equipment of the buildings just
mentioned.4. Connection to the new system of the present Dawson's
Row - Minor Hall lines.
The estimated cost of this section is $88,500.
Contract for the first section was let to Messrs. Almirall
& Company, without competitive bids, for the following reasons:
1. Their estimates and mine of the work which could be
done for $60,000 were almost identical, tho made entirely
independently.2. Preparation of detailed working drawings and exact
specifications for competitive bidding would have
delayed letting contract until January 1st., and
postponed completion of the work until after the
present heating season. The old plant is greatly
overloaded and relief of the same by connecting East
Lawn and the Rotunda to the new plant is imperative.3. Much old material in the present installation may be
used in the new construction. The value of this material
could not be estimated in advance, and ignorance of
its value would have presented a serious handicap to
competitive bidding and grave probability of disagreement
at final settlement.4. Messrs Almirall & Company made us a most liberal proposition
on a percentage basis. Competitive bids for
all materials are submitted to us and orders are given
only upon our authorization. As far as practicable
materials are bought through local concerns. Local
labor, as far as available, is employed. We get
the benefit of all cash discounts. We pay all freight
and express charges, thus saving the war tax. All
bills for material and labor are checked and approved
by us before payment. Their books are constantly open
to our inspection, and I have now in my files copies
of all vouchers approved for payment. Their charge
for the work is 15% of the net cost.5. It was my conviction, shared unanimously by the engineering
faculty, that by selecting contractors of
national reputation with long experience and abundant
resources for pushing the work, better work would be
done and we would get more for our money than could
be gotten by letting the contract to less skillful contractors.
The conduct of the work thus far has justified
this conviction, and I believe, with data now in105
my possession I can demonstrate that our course was
I shall be glad to go into details more thoroughly
or answer any questions that may occur to you and which are
not covered by this statement.
Professor Hancock submitted the following estimate from
Almirall & Company with reference to extending the present
construction from East Range to East Lawn and recommended that
the same be authorized.
Charlottesville, Va.
ATTENTION Mr. Chas. Hancock
In accordance with your request we have estimated the
cost of extending the 28″ × 44″ concrete conduit and 12″
mains from manhole # 4 at the East Range to Manhole # 5
at the East Lawn, the installation of a 5″ supply main
from manhole # 5 to Prof. Lewis' House and the omission
of the temporary 5″ supply and 5″ return from the East
Range to the East Lawn.
We estimate this work will cost the additional sum of SEVEN THOUSAND AND FIFTY-THREE DOLLARS |
$7053. |
including full allowance for the ommissions mentioned. | |
This manner of performing and charging for this work to be in accordance with our proposal dated September 29, 1921 and similar in all respects to the work now being done and covered in specification except that the limit cost will be increased to SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND AND FIFTY-THREE DOLLARS |
$67053. |
The performance of this work at the present time will
mean a saving of approximately $3200 in the ultimate cost
of the work.
Per: G. H. Wood
Pursuant to the foregoing recommendation, the following
was adopted:
WHEREAS Professor Charles Hancock, in charge of installation
of the new heating unit reports that the $60,000 available
for said work would admit of the concrete conduits and mains
being laid to East Range with two temporary 5″ lines to East
Lawn and the Rotunda, and that the concrete conduit and 12″
main can be extended from East Range to East Lawn at this
time for the additional sum of $7,053, thereby saving approximately
$3,200 in this construction, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Professor Charles Hancock ben and he is
hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of the
concrete conduit and 12″ main, at a cost not to exceed $7,053,
and that said sum be financed from the general funds of the
University until the appropriation is made by the State, or is
provided from other sources.
The President explained to the Board the requests of the
University to be entered in the Governor's Budget for the
Biennium 1922-24, which were approved in the following resolutions:
RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors approve of the
Budget presented by the President to the Governor's Budget
The following appointments of new professors, instructors
and assistants, promotions and certain necessary increases
in salaries, made by the President prior to the opening of the
present session, were ratified:
Dr. William Edward Brown, Sup't and Medical Director of Blue
Ridge Sanatorium.
Mr. John T. Lonsdale, Ass't Professor of Geology
Mr. Alfred J. Swan, Ass't Professor of Music
Dr. Allen Fiske Voshell, Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery
Mr. James M. Strang, B.S., promoted from Instructor in Physiology
to Asst Prof.
Mr. F. G. B. Ribble, Jr., M.A. L.L.B, promoted from Instructor
in Commercial Law to Acting Professor of Law.
Astronomy: | |
J. D. Koep, Vanderbilt Fellow | $ 480.00 |
L. R. Rippy, Vanderbilt Fellow | 480.00 |
Biblical History and Literature: | |
H. L. Hughes, Assistant | 250.00 |
Biology: | |
P. N. Jones | 250.00 |
J. C. White | 250.00 |
J. M. Kater | 250.00 |
Chemistry: | |
C. W. Griffin, Teaching Fellow | 500.00 |
P. N. Rhodes, Student Assistant | 150.00 |
R. L. Fleming, Student Assistant | 150.00 |
J. E. Lyles, Student Assistant | 150.00 |
Economics: | |
W. F. Cox, Jr., Instructor, Commercial Law | 750.00 |
F. W. Davies, Instructor, Commercial Law | 250.00 |
R. T. D. Heaton, Instructor, Commercial Geography | 200.00 |
Mathematics: | |
Richard M. Bryd, Assistant | 350.00 |
Hugh Warren, Assistant | 300.00 |
B. B. Owen, Assistant | 250.00 |
P. C. Kuhn, Assistant | 250.00 |
Music: | |
Alfred J. Swan, Assistant Professor | 1,200.00 |
Richard Lorleberg, Instructor | 541.00 |
Philosophy: | |
E. Wiltshire, Assistant | 250.00 |
T. L. Preston Assistant | 250.00 |
I. J. Quesenberry, Assistant | 250.00 |
W. W. Koontz, Assistant | 250.00 |
Geology: | |
A. S. Furcron, Assistant | 200.00 |
A. W. Kisling, Jr. Assistant | 200.00 |
A. A. Pegau, Assistant | 200.00 |
Physics: | |
McDonald Dick, Assistant | 500.00 |
C. R. Larkin, Assistant | 500.00 |
R. B. Torbett, Assistant | 500.00 |
W. T. Straley, Assistant | 500.00 |
Romanic Languages: | |
P. N. Rhodes, Spanish Instructor | 500.00 |
C. E. Knight, Spanish Instructor | 300.00 |
O. A. Kirkman, Spanish Instructor | 300.00 |
H. D. Scott, Assistant Instructor | 200.00 |
J. L. Scott, Instructor and Board of Visitors Fellow |
200.00 |
F. N. Ogden, Assistant Instructor | 200.00 |
R. L. Stallings, Instructor and Board of Visitors Fellow |
200.00 |
J. H. Green, French Instructor | 200.00 |
Hugh Warren, French Instructor | 200.00 |
E. H. Tompkins, French Instructor | 200.00 |
S. F. Will, French Instructor | 200.00 |
L. M. Wickham, French Instructor | 200.00 |
W. F. Cox, Jrs. Graduate Assistant | 1,000.00 |
S. B. Witt, Jr. Assistant | 285.00 |
R. C. Smith, Assistant | 285.00 |
J. K. Brown, Assistant | 285.00 |
E. F. Melson, Assistant | 285.00 |
B. D. Ayres, Assistant | 285.00 |
Anatomy: | |
E. P. Cardwell, Instructor | 750.00 |
L. C. Brand Instructor $1.00 per hour | |
Clinical: | |
W. J. Norfleet, Jr., Student Assistant | 200.00 |
R. M. Page, Student Assistant | 200.00 |
Histology & Embryology: | |
Frank Helvestein, Assistant | 100.00 |
Pharmacology & Materia Medica: | |
A. A. Pearre, Instructor, $100 per term. | |
K. S, Wingfield, Instructor Electric Engineering | 1,000.00 |
P. C. Kuhn, Assistant Exp. Engineering $1.00 per hour |
H. C. Forrest, Assistant | 300.00 |
M. A. Cohen, Sophomore Drawing | 200.00 |
F. A. Hoeke, Sophomore Drawing | 200.00 |
N. J. Painter, Freshman Drawing | 300.00 |
P. L. Weir, Freshman Drawing | 200.00 |
H. L. White, Freshman Drawing $50.00 per term | |
J. B. Christian, Freshman Drawing $50.00 per term | |
N. W. Brown, Shop Work | $ 500.00 |
J. W. Calcott, Shop Work | 300.00 |
W. C. Harrison, Shop Work | 150.00 |
W. Minor Smith, Problem Work, Fall Term $50.00 | |
Winter Term 100.00 | |
Spring Term 100.00 | |
E. A. Smith, Hour man. $1.00 per hour | |
G. P. Gamble, Hour man. $1.00 per hour | |
H. L. White, Hour man. $1.00 per hour | |
L. C. Harman, Hour man. $1.00 per hour | |
F. V. Watkins, Assistant | 125.00 |
B. B. Owen, Assistant | 125.00 |
F. W. Davies, Assistant | 250.00 |
Isaac Cary Scholarship
George A. Pierce in place of Henry M. Ware -(appointed May 31)
William C. Folkes Scholarships
Fendall L. Gregory | (Reappointment) |
Mike Jones, Jr. | (Reappointment) |
Preston Nowlin | (New) |
W. M. Bass | (New) |
Samuel Miller Scholarship
Murrary Spicer
Phelps-Stokes Fellowship
W. H. Brown
Skinner Scholarships
T. G. Akeley
J. L. Belote
Charles D. Carter
W. Gerow Christian
E. C. Field
W. E. Johnson
E. F. Kloman
William H. Laird
J. Lindsay Patton
A. L. Ribble
W. L. Ribble
G. W. Shirley
W. B. Stabler
Clifford L. Stanley
Stephen Webster
Rives Fellowship
E. C. Ross is appointed in place of Hugh Warren
Dr. A. G. A. Balz, Prof. of Philosophy, from $3000.00
to $3500.00
H. H. Lannigan, Physical Director, an increase of $300.00
per year for five years on the General Education
Board subscription.
Physical Instructors Owen, Watkins and Davis $275 for the
The following resolutions were adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors approve of the action
of the President in granting a leave of absence, for the period
of one year, to Dr. Wilfred Eldred, Associate Professor of
Business Administration, for work in food research.
RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors of the University
note with approval the trust fund created by Mr. Paul Goodloe
McIntire for the benefit of the University and orders that the
papers in the matter of the creation of this fund be spread
upon the minutes.
"THIS INDENTURE, Made the 10th day of October, in the
year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-One, between PAUL
G. MC INTIRE, of the Town of Charlottesville, Virginia, party
YORK, party of the second part,
WHEREAS, The party of the first part desire to create
a trust fund for the use, support and benefit of the UNIVERSITY
OF VIRGINIA, situated in the Town of Charlottesville,
NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the premises and the
sum of the dollar by the party of the second part paid to
the party of the first part, the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, the party of the first part by these presents
does transfer and deliver unto the party of the second part,
its successors and assigns,
$200,000. | par value, United States of America Victory Liberty Loan 4 3/4% Gold Notes, due May 20, 1923, |
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said property to the part of the
second part, its successors and assigns, in trust, however,
for the following uses and purposes, namely: To hold, manager,
invest and reinvest the same, to collect and receive the
interest income and profits thereof, and, after deducting all
proper charges and expenses, to pay the said interest, income
and profits to the Bursar of said UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA
for general expenses in managing and maintaining said University,
such payments to be made in quarterly installments at convenient
The party of the second part is hereby expressly authorized
and empowered in its discretion, to hold the said property in
the form of investment in which it receives the same and in
the like discretion to sell property, or any part thereof, as
well as any property hereafter acquired in trust hereunder,
and to reinvest the same and the proceeds of the sale thereof
in the bonds or capital stock of any corporation in the United
States whose bonds or capital stock are commonly bought and
sold in the City of New York, even though such securities may
not be of a nature authorized by the laws of the State of New
York for the investment of trust funds, provided that no
purchase or sale shall be made except upon the consent in writing
of the person who at the time is President of the said
It is understood and agreed by and between the parties
hereto that the commissions of the party of the second part
for the execution of the trusts hereby created are fixed at
2% upon the interest and income received by it from the said
trust estate and paid over in accordance with the provisions
of this deed, said 2% to be deducted from such income at the
time of such payment.
The party of the second part hereby accepts the trusts
hereby created and covenants that it will faithfully perform
and discharge all the duties of its office as such trustee.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties hereto have executed this
instrument in duplicate the day and year first above written
Sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
(Signed) Paul G. McIntire
Vice President.
On this day of October, 1921, before me personnaly
came PAUL G. MCINTIRE, to me known, and known to me to be the
person described in an who executed the foregoing instrument,
and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
(Signed) Louise F. Wheeler, N.P.
On this day of October, 1921, before me personnaly
came WILLIAMSON PELL, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn,
did depose and say that he resides in the Village of Rye,
New York; that he is the Vice President of the United States
Trust Company of New York, the corporation described in and
which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the
seal of said corporation; that the seal which is affixed to said
instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by
authority of the Board of Trustees of said corporation, and
that he signed his name there to as its Vice President bylike
RESOLVED, that the Rectorand Visitors of the University
have received with approval the report of Prof. A. M. Dobie,
Executive Director of the Centennial Endowment Fund and have
ordered the same to be spread upon the minutes of the Board.
Messrs. John Stewart Bryan & Frederic W. Scott,
Joint and Alternate Chairmen,
University of Virginia Centennial Endowment Fund.
a - Original Organization
The original organization of the Centennial Endowment
Fund was effected at the home of John Stewart Bryan, "Laburnum",
at a meeting, on June 19, 1920, by representatives
of the Board of Visitors, Faculty and Alumni of the University
of Virginia. At this meeting, Messrs. John Stewart Bryan and
Frederic W. Scott were elected Joint and Alternate Chairmen,
and Armistead M. Dobie, Executive Director.
b - Preliminary Summer Work
From July 12th to July 15th, I spent at the University,
studying the standard plans used by other Universities in
raising Endowment Funds, in securing the necessary preliminary
information, and in having prepared card catalogues of the
University of Virginia Alumni. Before the opening of the
Richmond Headquarters, the services of Mr. Chas. A. McKeand
were secured as Executive Secretary, and Mr. Chas. S. Trimmer
as Publicity Director. The Publicity office was located at the
University. The cordial co-operation was secured at the University
of Mr. Lewis D. Crenshaw, Alumni Secretary, and Mr. Wm.
Matthews, Assistant Alumni Secretary, and Prof. J. L. Newcomb,
Chairman of the Centennial Celebration Committee.
c - Richmond Headquarters
Early in October, the general headquarters were established
in Richmond, at 920 1/2 East Main Street, in an office graciously
donated, without charge, by Bryan Brothers. The office
contained furniture, so that a very small outlay was necessary
to begin work. The personnel of the office at first consisted
of Armistead M. Dobie, and Mrs. Rosalie M. Noland, who, throughout
the entire Campaign, acted as Secretary to the Executive
d- National & Executive Committees
An Executive Committee of eleven men was designated,
of which the Executive officers of the Fund, with the exception
of sixty was selected, consisting of distinguished men in all
walks of life, from various sections of the Country. It was
impossible ever to call the Exectuve Commiteee together, however,
and the National Committee had no executive functions,
as a Committee.
e - Regional and Local Chairmen
The United States was divided into forth-three Regions, and
a Regional Chairman was secured for each Region. A chairman
for the Army, and one for the Navy, brought the number of
Regional Chairmen up to forty-five. Under the Regional
Chairmen, Local Chairmen were appointed, the Local Chairmen
numbering One Hundred Sixty.
f.- Depositary and Treasurer
The Virginia Trust Company of Richmond, Virginia was designated
as Depositary of the Fund, during the period of its
collection, under the special direction of Mr. Chas. Watkins,
Bond Officer of this Company. Senator Carter Glass graciously
consented to act as Centenial Treasurer of the Fund, with the
understanding that he would not be expected to give much
active service.
a - Thanksgiving Meeting at the University
On Thanksgiving Day, the Executive officers, the Regional
Chairmen, and a few representative Local Chairmen gathered at
the University on the occasion of the Virginia-Carolina Foot Ball
Game. A pilgrimage was made around the University, and the
President of the University, and the Deans of the various departments
made brief statements on the ground of the imminent
needs of the University.
b - Date of Beginning Solicitation of Subscriptions.
The original plan contemplated the beginning of solicitation
of subscriptions on January 3rd. The economic condition
of the United States, however, in the judgment of the Executive
officers, necessitated the postponement until March 7th, at
which time the active solicitation of subscriptions began.
c - Christmas Alumni Meetings
December 28th was designated, by Dr. Hugh Young,
President of the Alumni Association, as University of Virginia
Night, and meetings on this date, were held all over the United
States. Wherever it was practical, these meetings were addressed
by representatives of the Fund, and by members of the
Faculty of the University of Virginia. Wide spread local
publicity was, of course, given to each meeting, and student
representatives brought to each meeting, greetings from the
President of the University.
d - Slow Start
In spite of the postponement, which gave Local and
Regional Chairmen two additional months for preparation,
the movement was slow in getting under way, and great difficulty
was experienced in getting Local and Regional Chairmen to do
much active solicitation, during the early periods of the
movement. The start was, accordingly, far from hopeful.
e - Traveling
While trips were made to various places by President
Alderman, the Faculty, of the University of Virginia, and
by John Stewart Bryan, a systematic effort was made by
Messrs. Dobie and McKeand to visit personally every Regional
Chairman east of the Rockies, and every important city from
Texas to Massachusetts. Messrs. Dobie and McKeand actually
visited forty-seven cities, from Boston to San Antonio, and
from Chicago to Jacksonville, Florida. In may of these places,
addresses were made before Alumni gatherings, and every effort
was made to stimulate Alumni energy and enthusiasm.
f - Student Subscriptions
It was decided to make a whirlwind campaign of the Student
Body, for the purpose of raising funds for the erection of a
new Gymnasium. This Student Campaign was staged in mid-winter,
to avoid any conflict with the examination period. The movement
proved a splended success, over $140,000. being raised, and
it is believed that this was the finest bit of idealism in the
entire movement. Too much credit cannot be given to the Student
Body for their splended service and sacrifice.
g - Executive Director in New York City.
On the eve of the commencement of solicitation, conditions
were such in New York City, that it was decided to send the
the end of February, until the early part of April the
Executive Director remained in New York City, organizing the
movement there, and actively engaging in the solicitation
of subscriptions. For nearly a month, President Alderman also
stayed in New York City, giving himself unreservedly to the
work of the Endowment Fund. It is believed that this was a
wise movement, and the results seemed to justify the rather
unusual procedure of having the Executive Director absent from
headquarters for so long a time.
h - Literature
The Alumni News, for eight months, was especially
edited in the cause of the Endowment Fund, and was sent,
at the expense of the Fund, to every living alumnus. A
major pamphlet was prepared with attractive illustrations
and charts, and these too were sent to every alumnus. Copies
were sent to prospective donors, and a supply furnished each
Local and Regional Chairman. Departmental Pamphlets, dealing
with the needs of each department of the University of Virginia,
were sent to each alumnus, and each Chairman, and a
carefully prepared pamphlet, showing the distinguished service
of the University alumni to the State and Nation was also
sent to each alumnus, and prospective donors.
In addition, a standard plan of organization was prepared,
and a Canvasser's Hand Book. These were sent to all workers,
and to Chairmen, in quantities. Periodic bulletins, five in
number, were also sent to all Chairmen.
i - Publicity
An elaborate publicity department was organized, at the
University, under the direction of Mr. Chas. S. Trimmer, who
always had the loyal co-operation of Mr. Grenshaw and Mr.
Matthews. From October 1st, 1920 to June 8th 1921, over 5000
clippings about the University of Virginia, representing more
than 1,500 columns of newspaper space, appeared in National
publications. While this work was done in the immediate needs
of the Centennial Endowment Fund, it is believed that untold
good was accomplished for the future of the University of
Virginia. For the first time in its history, an experienced
publicity man gave his whole time to this work. The publicity
office rendered yeomen's service, too, in preparing the various
pamphlets, which were sent out to alumni.
j - Moving Picture and Posters
Mr. Lewis D. Crenshaw directed the making of a four-reel
moving picture entitled "The Shadow of the Founder", dealing
with the life history of the University of Virginia, and its
present day activities. The technical work on this picture
of New York City. This film was shown in all the large towns
in Virginia, in New York City, and other strategic points in
the East. The cordial reception given to it everywhere proved
its genuine worth. It is to be regretted that this picture
was not completed until May.
Mr. Duncan Smith, a loyal alumnus of New York, painted
two attractive posters, one for the Endowment Fund, and one
for the Celebration. These were given wide circulation over
the country, and were posted in railroad stations of the principal
railroads, operating through Virginia.
k - Money Raised
President Alderman, at the Centennial Celebration, announced
that the round sum of $1,300,000. had been raised as a result
of the Campaign. He also announced the $200,000 gift of Mr.
Paul G. McIntire, to endow a school of Commerce and Finance.
Through this was not technically a gift to the Fund, it practically
made an even Million and a Half Dollars.
The progress of the Fund is indicated by the following
figures at various stages of the work:
April 12th | $ 694,804.54 |
May 9th | 808,208,90 |
May 30th | 1,074,990.82 |
A quota was assigned to each Regional District, but no
quota was assigned to the Army or Navy, or to the Student Body.
The only districts that raised their quotas were the Charlottesville
District, under the able direction of Mr. Allen Perkins,
and the District, comprising the States of New Mexico, Nevade,
Utah and Arizona, under Mr. Herndon Norris of Prescott,
Arizona. The largest actual sum, of course, was raised in
New York. The Richmond District and the Norfolk District were
practically tiedfor the second place, at the time of the
The most discouraging results were naturally reached
in the far Southern States, due to the acute economic crisis
prevailing in that section.
On July 9, 1921, actual subscriptions amounted to | $1,272.725.25 |
Subscriptions reported but not sent in | 31,605.00 |
Total | 1,304.330.25 |
This total of actual subscriptions amount to 1,272,725.25
was contributed as follows:
Carnegie Foundation | $ 100,000 |
General Education Board | 100,000 |
2203 Alumni Subscriptions | 525,730.84 |
798 Non-alumni Subscriptions | 402,614.14 |
1489 Student Subscriptions | 144,380.27 |
$ 1,272,725.25 | |
Average Alumnus subscription | $238.64 |
Average Non-Alumnus subscription | 504.53 |
Average Student subscription | 96.96 |
l - Cash and Securities in Banks
At the time of this report, July 9th., 1921, cash and
securities, as follows, were held by the designated banks.
1. | National State and City Bank (Cash Balance) | $ 16,630.50 | ||
2. | Virginia Trust Co. | |||
Cash balance | $80,349.09 | |||
Securities | 41,450.00 | |||
$ 121,799.09 | $121,799.09 | |||
Charlottesville | ||||
1. | Peoples National Bank | |||
Charlottesville Subscriptions | ||||
Cash | $ 11,602.28 | |||
Liberty Bonds | 3,485.00 | |||
Student Subscriptions | ||||
Cash | 3,597.00 | |||
Liberty Bonds | 800.00 | |||
19,484.28 | 19,484.28 | |||
2. | National Bank of Charlottesville | 2,501.00 | ||
3. | Farmers and Merchants Bank | 715.00 | ||
4. | Commerce National Bank | 1,590.00 | ||
TOTAL | $ 162,719.87 |
The Cash balances in the Richmond Banks draw 3% interest
The balances in the Charlottesville Banks draw no interest.
These balances in the Charbttesville banks include only
the amounts deposited by W. A. Perkins, Regional Chairman. These
balances do not include any amounts collected by these banks
on the subscription blanks turned over to the banks by A. M.
Dobie, Executive Director.
a - Executive Direction of Fund
The Richmond Headquarters were closed July 9th, at which
date the executive direction of the Fund passed to the Alumni
Secretary's Office. A sum, not exceeding $10,000, was appropriated
from the Fund for the purpose of financing the Alumni
Office, in order that it might properly carry on this work.
I have strongly recommended that Mrs. Noland be employed in
the Alumni Office, for the purpose of carrying on the work of
the Fund, with which she is, or course, absolutely familiar.
b - Collection of Subscriptions
The Student subscriptions and the Charlottesville subscriptions
were distributed among the four Charlottesville Banks
for collection. These banks agreed to perform this service without
cost to the Fund. All other subscriptions were turned
over to the Virginia Trust Company, Depositary of the Fund,
which also agreed to collect these subscriptions without cost
to the University.
a - Salaries
The largest salary, $200. a week, was paid to Mr. Chas.
A. McKeand, from October 15th to May 31st. The Executive Director
received from the Endowment Fund the salary of $208.66 a
month. The remainder of his University salary was paid by
the University. From July 12th to September 15th, while the preliminary
work was being done at the University, the Executive
Director received no salary whatever from the Endowment Fund,
paying even his own living expenses. Mr. Trimmer received
a salary of $145.00 a week. Mrs. Noland received $125. a month.
Mr. Trimmer found it necessary to employ one regular stenographer
at $100. a month, subsequently reduced to $90., and both at the
University and in Richmond, it was necessary, at times, to
employ extra stenographic assistance.
b- Classification of Richmond Expenses
Expenses of running the Richmond Office, exclusive of
the salaries of Messrs. Dobie and McKeand, and Mrs. Noland,
amounted to $15,373.25. These expenses can be classified as
1. Extra Salaries (chiefly for Stenographers) | $ 314.66 |
2. Printing, Stationery and Sundries | 4,806.38 |
3. Publicity (including Moving Picture) | 5,673.31 |
4. Telegraph, Telephone, Postage, Express, Freight | 701.52 |
5. Traveling Expenses (chiefly Dobie & McKeand) | 2,667.82 |
6. Expenses incurred by local and regional chairmen | 1,168.56 |
7. Rent of typewriters and typewriter supplies | 41.00 |
$ 15,373.25 |
In connection with these expenses, and the same is true
of those paid by Mr. Carruthers, it was frequently impossible
to draw a line between the Endowment Fund and the Centennial
Celebration, and some of the expenses paid under the Endowment
Fund Account, (for example, the Centennial Celebration Posters),
might well have been charged to the Centennial Celebration.
As both these expenses were paid out of the Fund, this becomes
merely a question of bookkeeping.
c - Expenses Paid by the Bursar
According to a statement furnished by E.I. Carruthers,
Bursar, he paid out from his office, on account of the Centennial
Endowment Fund account, the sum of $28,508.38.
The expenses can be classified as follows:
1. Salaries | $17,000.00 |
2. Expenses incurred by Trimmer as Publicity Director |
11,008.38 |
3. Traveling Expenses of Faculty Speakers | 175.00 |
4. Expenses of Student Campaign | 175.00 |
5. Expenses of Thanksgiving meeting | 150.00 |
$ 28,508.38 |
d - General Observations
At first blush, the publicity expenses may seem rather
large and out of proportion. Every effort was made to keep
these down, however, and attention is called to the fact of the
great good effected for the University, apart from the
raising of the Endowment Fund. Owing to the generosity of
Bryan Brothers of Richmond, office expenses and office equipment
was reduced to a minimum.
It is believed further that no college movement of this
magnitude has ever been conducted with so small an office force.
a - Cause of Comparative Failure
Many untoward causes militated against the complete success
of the Campaign, The most obvious of these was the universal
economic depression all over the Country. Even men of large
either refused to give or gave nominal sums.
The most discouraging feature of the Campaign was alumni
apathy. The younger men, whose contact with the University is
recent, were in the main energetic and generous. As a class,
the older alumni did rather poorly.
There were also many other contributing causes to weaken
the loyalty of the alumni, of whom we seem to have a great
many, whose loyalty to the University seems to depend upon
affairs being regulated at the University, absolutely according
to their opinions. Dissatisfaction with athletic policies,
co-education at the University, and the prospect of removing
the medical school to Richmond, all had a bad effect on the
b - Executive Associates
It is a pleasure for me to bear cheerful testimony of
the loyal support tendered by my executive associates. The
Joint and Alternate Chairmen were always courteous and more
than willing to undertake any task imposed upon them. Their
advice and counsel was invaluable. Mr. McKeand showed untiring
zeal and fine loyalty during the progress of the work,
and Mrs. Noland proved herself a tower of strength. During
a considerable period of time, while Mr. McKeand and I were
absent from Richmond, she ran the headquarters single handed.
c - Joy of Service
While the task of raising money is essentially unpleasant,
and while it is very trying on the nervous system
to run a great enterprise, with volunteer aids, in distant
cities, who work without pay and who cannot be severely criticized,
yet, in the language of President Alderman, "I count it
a joy and a gladness" to have been of any service to the
University of Virginia, which it is my pride and privilege to
Executive Director
RESOLVED, that the Rector and Visitors have received with
approval the report of Prof. J. L. Newcomb, Chairman of the
Committee on the Centennial Celebration and have ordered that
it be spread upon the minutes.
July 1, 1921
I have the honor to transmit herewith a financial
statement covering the cost of the Centennial Celebration of
the University of Virginia held May thirty-first to June
third, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-one.
Chairman Committee on Centennial Celebration
1. | GENERAL OFFICE EXPENSE | $ 1,635.66 |
2. | CENTENNIAL DINNER | 2,888.51 |
3. | BARBECUE | 1,481.25 |
6. | BAND | 950.60 |
7. | ORGAN RECITAL | 485.52 |
8. | PAGEANT | 7,316.73 |
9. | FIRE WORKS AND PARADE | 610.83 |
13. | EXTRA EXPENSE | 2,701.38 |
Total | $ 22,652.93 | |
GRAND TOTAL | $ 26,652.93 |
RESOLVED, that the scale of fees and tuition in the several
departments of the University be established as follows, beginning
with the session 1922-23. (Mr. Oliver voted in the
University fee: | |
Virginians | $10.00 |
Non-Virginians | 40.00 |
Tuition: | |
Non-Virginians | 160.00 |
University fee | 40.00 |
Tuition | 160.00 |
University fee | 40.00 |
Tuition: | |
1st and 2nd years | 160.00 |
3rd and 4th years | 135.00 |
University fee: | |
Virginians | 20.00 |
Non-Virginians | 40.00 |
Tuition; average for four years; | |
Virginians | 120.00 |
Non-Virginians | 160.00 |
The President presented a communication from Prof.
W. H. Faulkner requesting an appropriation of $179.75 to reimburse
him in that sum for repairs made to Pavillion 1 West
Lawn in excess of the $1000.00 appropriation made by the Board
of Visitors for that purpose. After due consideration of the
request the Board declined to grant the appropriation.
The President reported to the Board receipt of a check
for $15,000 from the General Education Board, same being payment
for the six months period ending December 31st 1921 on
account of the grant to the University for increasing teachers'
The President presented the following concerning the duties
of the Dean of Women, which was adopted:
"Definite duties of a Dean of Women at the University of
Acting as adviser to entering women, former and new students.
This would include advising on their courses if they
wanted it, but the best type, capable of doing independent
work, would certainly prefer advising with the dean of the
faculty in which work is to be done, or someone like that.
Helping the women organize and enrich their academic and
social life.
Holding office hours for consultation and advice
Visiting and establishing relations with other colleges for
women especially in Virginia. In connexion with this, I should
think that attendance at the conference of the National Association
of Deans of Women might be desirable.
Seeking names of especially desirable prospective women
students, and corresponding with them. This would involve
also some plan of attracting desirable women students by
scholarships and fellowships, not primarily for the pecuniary
value of the scholarships and fellowships, but for the honour
they confer.
Organizing some sort of "bureau of vocational guidance",
perhaps on the lines of the Southern Women's Educational Alliance
in Richmond, perhaps simply as a clearing house for inquiries,
or perhaps for real placement work.
Studying the problems arising out of the admission of
women to the University, and advising as to the development
of future policies."
The following resolution was received from the State
Council of Administrative Women in Education adopted at
their annual meeting in Richmond on November 24th 1921 with request
that it receive favorable action; but the Board did not
take action thereon.
The State Council of Administrative Women in Education wishes
to express to the Board of Visitors and Faculty of the University
of Virginia its gratification at the appointment of a
Dean of Women at the University and at the action of those departments
of the University which have opened their doors on
equal terms to both men and women.
It also wishes to renew its request of last year that the University
admit women students to the remaining graduate and professional
departments, including the newly established School of
Fine Arts, on the same basis as men students.
The State Council further requests that adequate dormitory
facilities be provided for the women. The Council wishes to
emphasize its conviction that suitable living and social con-
ditions are most important in the life of the University."
The President presented a communication from Mr. John
R. Morris, Chairman of the Filtration Committee of the City
Council of the City of Charlottesville, Va., asking for the
privilege of constructing a filter plant on Observatory
Mountain for the purpose of supplying the City of Charlottesville
and the University with a pure water supply, and which
would also be the means of greatly increasing the water pressure
of the grounds of the University.
November 21st 1921
University of Virginia.
On October 10th, 1921 the Common Council of the
City of Charlottesville appointed a committee composed of
J. R. Morris, Chairman; W. M. Forrest; City Mgr., Walter
Washabaugh and J. P. Greaver to make thorough investigation
of the water situation in Charlottesville, and to get up
plans and specifications for filter and aeration plant.
This Committee realizing the importance of a thorough
investigation of the water question employed the firm of
Williamson, Carroll & Saunders of Charlottesville to make necessary
surveys, secure samples of water from Maury Creek, present
reservoir and Moorman River, to have bacteriological and
chemical analyses of same made in order to determine type of
filter required to treat our present water supply, and also
to take care of proposed Moorman River water supply whenever
that project is carried out; and to get up plans and specifications
for filter plant. As a further precaution we employed
Mr. George W. Fuller of the firm of Fuller & McClintock of
New York as consulting engineer, after careful investigation
of his ability and reputation as an authority on water questions.
Upon the completion of preliminary surveys by our
engineers, and after getting report from the chemists who made
the analysis of the samples of water, Mr. Fuller came down and
went over the entire situation with Williamson, Carroll, &
Saunders, together with Mr. Richard Messer, Chief Engr., State
Board of Health, and two members of our committee. After
giving the entire situation careful study, Mr. Fuller set out
his recommendations as to type, size and location of filter in
a letter to my committee, copy of which I am herewith enclosing
Upon receipt of Mr. Fuller's letter, I had copy of
same made and sent it to Mr. Messer, writing him at the same
carefully and if he felt they would take care of the water
situation in Charlottesville to write me to that effect, but
if not to advise me what changes he would recommend. I am
enclosing copy of my letter to Mr. Messer, also copy of his
reply to same.
I did this so as to get approval of the State
Board of Health, and I am sending you the enclosed correspondence
in order that you may be entirely familiar with all proceedings
up to this time.
You will note that Mr. Fuller recommends that the
filter plant be located on Observatory Mountain, reasons for
same being set forth in his letter of Nov. 11, 1921.
The type of plant recommended by Mr. Fuller will
require 3 1/2 acres of land for its construction, and in
addition will require rightof way for pipe line as shown on
map which I am enclosing you.
We understand that the University is contemplating
putting up a water tower with necessary pumping facilities
in order to get increased pressure in the University area, and
that $15,000.00 has been included in the next budget to cover
cost of this improvement.
If the filter plant is built as outlined above, it
will make unnecessary your proposed water improvement, as it
will give you an adequate supply of pure water by gravity with
ample pressure at the highest point on the University grounds,
thereby doing away with your proposed pumping plant, which at
the very best would be an expensive proposition, and would
call for continual outlay for operation and maintenance.
Therefore in view of the situation as outline in this letter,
we respectfully request that the city of Charlottesville be
given the necessary lan, right—of-way for pipe line and roadways
for construction and maintenance of this plant, such
privilege to be covered by long term lease with privilege of renewal,
and in addition that the $15,000.00 mentioned above
be applied to the cost of construction of filter plant.
In order to prevent repetition of the water situation
which existed in charlottesville during the past summer,
the city bodies are very anxious to get filter plant construction
started as soon as possible, so it can be completed
in the early spring.
I understand that the Board of Visitors of the University
will meet on the 29th of November; therefore, urgently request
that you lay this matter before them at this meeting and
of their decision. I am confident that you will
realize that this matter is one of vital importance both to
the University of Va. and to the City of Charlottesville, and
sincerely trust that you will approve of the entire plan as
outlined and will use your influence to get favorable action
from the Board of Visitors.
Mr. Washabaugh, Mr. Williamson and myself went
over this entire matter with Dr. Lambeth this morning, and
it was his suggestion that I write this letter, which I
feel confident will receive his endorsement.
If you or the members of the Board of Visitors
would like to have either Mr. Williamson, Mr. Washabaugh
or myself appear before you in person to go into this matter
more fully we will be glad for you to call on us at any
Chairman of Filtration Committee"
Pursuant to the foregoing and after a full discussion of
the matter the following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, The City of Charlottesville is now engaged in
a survey looking to the erection of a filtration plant for
the purpose of purifying the water supply of the City and the
University, which plant is desired be located on Observatory
Mountain upon the land of the University, requiring about 3
1/2 acres of land, and
WHEREAS, The quality of water supplied to the University
will be greatly improved by filtration, and also by the
location of this source of intake for the University the
pressure will be much greater than at present thereby safeguarding
property in case of fire and adding to the comfort
and convenience of the water users on the grounds of the
University, and
WHEREAS, If the said plant be erected the necessity for
the erection of a stand-pipe and tower by the University to
increase the pressure and the continuous operation of the
pump to supply said tower will be rendered unnecessary, therefore
be it
RESOLVED, That the City of Charlottesville be leased
a site upon Observatory Mountain, to consist of approximately
3 1/2 acres for the purpose of constructing a filtration plant,
be prepared by the attorneys of the University, and that the
sum of $15,000, or so much, if any, thereof, as may be appropriated
by the Legislature for the purpose of improving the
water system at the University, be and is hereby appropriated
for the purpose of aiding in the erection of the proposed
filtration plant.
The President advised the Board of a bequest to the
University under the will of the late Miss. Este Coffinberry
of Gettysburg, Penna., for the purpose of establishing one
or more lectureships in Christian religion and of comparative
history. The value of the bequest is not yeat determined as the
Executor was just appointed on October 20th 1921.
I, Este Coffinberry, of the City of South San Francisco,
County of San Mateo, State of California, being in sound mind
and memory, do hereby make, publish and declare this my last
will in manner and form as follows, that is to say:
FIRST, I direct the payment of all of my just debts
and funeral expenses.
SECOND. I request my executor, hereinafter named, to
deposit my Meissen porcelain bearing the Saxon Coat of Arms
in some museum which he shall choose, and cause said porcelain
to be placed in the Ceramic Collection under the name of Marie
E. Richard and to be duly labeled and cased at the expense of
such museum.
THIRD. I give, devise and bequeath all my other household
furniture and all my clothing to W. H. Coffinberry of the
City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of
FOURTH. I give, devise and bequeath all my other property,
real and personal, of whatsoever nature the same may be, or
wheresoever situated, of which I may die possessed, or to which
I may be entitled, to the Board of Visitors of the University
of Virginia to be used by them for the following purposes:
The founding of a lectureship that shall be called the
James W. Richard lectureship in Christian Religion, said
lectureship being subject to the conditions herein stated.
The lecturer shall be a man of Evangelic faith and of international
reputation as a scholar in the department of theology
or religion from which his subject is selected. He shall hold
the lectureship for not less than Two (2) years. The lecturer
of Christianity, providing the subject matter pertains to
the advancement and application of the principles of the gospels.
The lecturer shall be required to deliver publicly at
the University of Virginia a course of lectures, not less than
Ten (10) in number on the chosen subject, just before the expiration
of the term for which he is appointed, at such time
and place as the faculty of said University shal direct.
He shall be required to print and publish at his own expense
not less than Five Hundred (500) copies of his lecture within
Six (6) months from the time of their delivery; and he shall
be further required to deposit three (3) copies in the library
of the said University of Virginia, and One (10) copy in the
library of each of the institutions names as follows:
The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,
Wittenberg College at Springfield, Ohio, Carthage
College at Carthage, Illinois; Midland College at Atchison,
Kansas. The form ans style of this publication shall be regulated
by the trustees in which this foundation shall vest.
Half of the money to be paid to the lecturer for his course
of lectures shall be withheld until the said lectures are published
in a manner satisfactory to the trustees in which this
foundation and the above mentioned deposits are made.
FIFTH. It is my hope and present expectation that I shall
be able at my decease to leave a fund larger and more valuable
than will suffice to provide for the above mentioned lectureship.
In such case should the funds of my estate prove sufficient,
it is further my will that another lectureship be founded
under exactly the same conditions as the lectureship above
set forth as to founding, number of lectures, printing and
publishing as well as depositing printed volumes. The lecturer
appointed shall also be a man of international reputation whose
published work shall be generally valuable to the world.
This second lectureship shall treat comparatively and
exhaustively some period of history, and I suggest that a
course be laid out to be treated consecutively by various
special lectures and properly adjusted to the work of said
University and its several departments. The long course of
lectures delivered by various men at various times should
be adjusted so as to avoid repetition and give to the public
a set of volumes valuable both as to facts and illuminating
treatment. It is my desire that mere copyists be excluded
and that men should be found who know historical sources and
love to tell the truths there recorded and who will not
distort them for a purpose.
This lectureship shall be called the James W. Richard
Lectureship of Comparative History.
SIXTH. I nominate and appoint W. H. Coffinberry, of
South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California,
executor of this my last will and testament and request that
he may be permitted to serve as such executor without bonds.
I hereby authorize the said W. H. Coffinberry to sell any
property which may belong to my estate with out an order of
court therefore, either at public or private sale, and with
or without notice, as the said W. H. Coffinberry may determine.
I hereby revoke any and all former wills by me made.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal
this 30th day of October, 1920.
[Description: ESTE Coffinberry (SEAL)]
The Bursar having communicated to the Board the probability
of having to borrow to meet current needs, awaiting the receipt
of certain income, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED, That the Bursar be and is hereby authorized
and empowered to borrow from the local banks from time to
time and in such sums as may be necessary to meet current
needs of the University, and in anticipation of current income,
not to exceed the sum of $40,000; and such notes as may be
executed by him for said purpose shall be paid as promptly
as may be out of the income of the University available therefor,
and he shall report to each and every subsequent meeting
of this Board the total amount borrowed under this authority
unpaid at such time.
On motion the meeting then adjourned.
Board of Visitors minutes November 29, 1921 | ||