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The State Council of Administrative Women in Education wishes
to express to the Board of Visitors and Faculty of the University
of Virginia its gratification at the appointment of a
Dean of Women at the University and at the action of those departments
of the University which have opened their doors on
equal terms to both men and women.

It also wishes to renew its request of last year that the University
admit women students to the remaining graduate and professional
departments, including the newly established School of
Fine Arts, on the same basis as men students.

The State Council further requests that adequate dormitory
facilities be provided for the women. The Council wishes to
emphasize its conviction that suitable living and social con-
ditions are most important in the life of the University."


The President presented a communication from Mr. John
R. Morris, Chairman of the Filtration Committee of the City
Council of the City of Charlottesville, Va., asking for the
privilege of constructing a filter plant on Observatory
Mountain for the purpose of supplying the City of Charlottesville
and the University with a pure water supply, and which
would also be the means of greatly increasing the water pressure
of the grounds of the University.

Dr. E. A. Alderman, President,
University of Virginia.
Dear Sir:—

On October 10th, 1921 the Common Council of the
City of Charlottesville appointed a committee composed of
J. R. Morris, Chairman; W. M. Forrest; City Mgr., Walter
Washabaugh and J. P. Greaver to make thorough investigation
of the water situation in Charlottesville, and to get up
plans and specifications for filter and aeration plant.

This Committee realizing the importance of a thorough
investigation of the water question employed the firm of
Williamson, Carroll & Saunders of Charlottesville to make necessary
surveys, secure samples of water from Maury Creek, present
reservoir and Moorman River, to have bacteriological and
chemical analyses of same made in order to determine type of
filter required to treat our present water supply, and also
to take care of proposed Moorman River water supply whenever
that project is carried out; and to get up plans and specifications
for filter plant. As a further precaution we employed
Mr. George W. Fuller of the firm of Fuller & McClintock of
New York as consulting engineer, after careful investigation
of his ability and reputation as an authority on water questions.

Upon the completion of preliminary surveys by our
engineers, and after getting report from the chemists who made
the analysis of the samples of water, Mr. Fuller came down and
went over the entire situation with Williamson, Carroll, &
Saunders, together with Mr. Richard Messer, Chief Engr., State
Board of Health, and two members of our committee. After
giving the entire situation careful study, Mr. Fuller set out
his recommendations as to type, size and location of filter in
a letter to my committee, copy of which I am herewith enclosing

Upon receipt of Mr. Fuller's letter, I had copy of
same made and sent it to Mr. Messer, writing him at the same


time, requesting that he go over Mr. Fuller's recommendations
carefully and if he felt they would take care of the water
situation in Charlottesville to write me to that effect, but
if not to advise me what changes he would recommend. I am
enclosing copy of my letter to Mr. Messer, also copy of his
reply to same.

I did this so as to get approval of the State
Board of Health, and I am sending you the enclosed correspondence
in order that you may be entirely familiar with all proceedings
up to this time.

You will note that Mr. Fuller recommends that the
filter plant be located on Observatory Mountain, reasons for
same being set forth in his letter of Nov. 11, 1921.

The type of plant recommended by Mr. Fuller will
require 3 1/2 acres of land for its construction, and in
addition will require rightof way for pipe line as shown on
map which I am enclosing you.

We understand that the University is contemplating
putting up a water tower with necessary pumping facilities
in order to get increased pressure in the University area, and
that $15,000.00 has been included in the next budget to cover
cost of this improvement.

If the filter plant is built as outlined above, it
will make unnecessary your proposed water improvement, as it
will give you an adequate supply of pure water by gravity with
ample pressure at the highest point on the University grounds,
thereby doing away with your proposed pumping plant, which at
the very best would be an expensive proposition, and would
call for continual outlay for operation and maintenance.
Therefore in view of the situation as outline in this letter,
we respectfully request that the city of Charlottesville be
given the necessary lan, right—of-way for pipe line and roadways
for construction and maintenance of this plant, such
privilege to be covered by long term lease with privilege of renewal,
and in addition that the $15,000.00 mentioned above
be applied to the cost of construction of filter plant.

In order to prevent repetition of the water situation
which existed in charlottesville during the past summer,
the city bodies are very anxious to get filter plant construction
started as soon as possible, so it can be completed
in the early spring.

I understand that the Board of Visitors of the University
will meet on the 29th of November; therefore, urgently request
that you lay this matter before them at this meeting and


ask them to act on it, advising me at your earliest convenience
of their decision. I am confident that you will
realize that this matter is one of vital importance both to
the University of Va. and to the City of Charlottesville, and
sincerely trust that you will approve of the entire plan as
outlined and will use your influence to get favorable action
from the Board of Visitors.

Mr. Washabaugh, Mr. Williamson and myself went
over this entire matter with Dr. Lambeth this morning, and
it was his suggestion that I write this letter, which I
feel confident will receive his endorsement.

If you or the members of the Board of Visitors
would like to have either Mr. Williamson, Mr. Washabaugh
or myself appear before you in person to go into this matter
more fully we will be glad for you to call on us at any

Yours respectfully,
(Signed) John R. Morris
Chairman of Filtration Committee"

Pursuant to the foregoing and after a full discussion of
the matter the following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS, The City of Charlottesville is now engaged in
a survey looking to the erection of a filtration plant for
the purpose of purifying the water supply of the City and the
University, which plant is desired be located on Observatory
Mountain upon the land of the University, requiring about 3
1/2 acres of land, and

WHEREAS, The quality of water supplied to the University
will be greatly improved by filtration, and also by the
location of this source of intake for the University the
pressure will be much greater than at present thereby safeguarding
property in case of fire and adding to the comfort
and convenience of the water users on the grounds of the
University, and

WHEREAS, If the said plant be erected the necessity for
the erection of a stand-pipe and tower by the University to
increase the pressure and the continuous operation of the
pump to supply said tower will be rendered unnecessary, therefore
be it

RESOLVED, That the City of Charlottesville be leased
a site upon Observatory Mountain, to consist of approximately
3 1/2 acres for the purpose of constructing a filtration plant,


for a term of 99 years without charge, the necessary papers to
be prepared by the attorneys of the University, and that the
sum of $15,000, or so much, if any, thereof, as may be appropriated
by the Legislature for the purpose of improving the
water system at the University, be and is hereby appropriated
for the purpose of aiding in the erection of the proposed
filtration plant.

The President advised the Board of a bequest to the
University under the will of the late Miss. Este Coffinberry
of Gettysburg, Penna., for the purpose of establishing one
or more lectureships in Christian religion and of comparative
history. The value of the bequest is not yeat determined as the
Executor was just appointed on October 20th 1921.