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b- Classification of Richmond Expenses
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b- Classification of Richmond Expenses

Expenses of running the Richmond Office, exclusive of
the salaries of Messrs. Dobie and McKeand, and Mrs. Noland,
amounted to $15,373.25. These expenses can be classified as



1. Extra Salaries (chiefly for Stenographers)  $ 314.66 
2. Printing, Stationery and Sundries  4,806.38 
3. Publicity (including Moving Picture)  5,673.31 
4. Telegraph, Telephone, Postage, Express, Freight  701.52 
5. Traveling Expenses (chiefly Dobie & McKeand)  2,667.82 
6. Expenses incurred by local and regional chairmen  1,168.56 
7. Rent of typewriters and typewriter supplies  41.00 
$ 15,373.25 

In connection with these expenses, and the same is true
of those paid by Mr. Carruthers, it was frequently impossible
to draw a line between the Endowment Fund and the Centennial
Celebration, and some of the expenses paid under the Endowment
Fund Account, (for example, the Centennial Celebration Posters),
might well have been charged to the Centennial Celebration.
As both these expenses were paid out of the Fund, this becomes
merely a question of bookkeeping.