University of Virginia Library

Secundum Signum dicitur Taurus, cuius Mensis est Aprilis.

Quo prius occultas inuenit herba vias.

Taurus the seconde after this

Of Signes, which figured is
Unto a Bole, is dreie and cold;
And as it is in bokes told,
He is the hous appourtienant
To Venus, somdiel descordant.
This Bole is ek with sterres set,
Thurgh whiche he hath hise hornes knet
Unto the tail of Aries,
So is he noght ther sterreles.
Upon his brest ek eyhtetiene
He hath, and ek, as it is sene,
Upon his tail stonde othre tuo.


His Monthe assigned ek also
Is Averil, which of his schoures
Ministreth weie unto the floures.