Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington and others
of the family | ||
“I don't blame people for complaining about the
extravagance and costiveness of government,” said Mrs.
Partington, as she was reading an ardent appeal to the
people in a political newspaper. She always took an
interest in politics after Paul was defeated one year as a
candidate for inspector. “I don't blame 'em a mite.
Here they are now, going to canvassing the state, as if
the airth was n't good enough for 'em to walk on. I
wonder why they don't get ile-cloth or Kidminister, and
done with it.”
“And I heard yesterday,” said Ike, putting his small
oar in, “that some of 'em was going to scour the country
to get voters.”
“Well,” continued she, “that would be better than
throwing dust in the people's eyes, as they say some of
`em do. Canvassing the state, indeed!”
She fell into an abstraction on the schemes of politicians,
and took seven pinches of snuff, in rapid succession,
to aid her deliberations.
Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington and others
of the family | ||