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Page 200


[ILLUSTRATION] [Description: 677EAF. Page 200. In-line Illustration. Image of an old woman standing on a street corner with a man. A boy is coming towards them waving something over his head.]

WAS Paul inclined to politics?”
we asked of Mrs.
Partington, as we saw the
old dame reading a “grand
rally” hand-bill at the
corner of the grocery store.
She asked us to wait a
moment till she “digested”
her specs. “Inclined to
politics!” said she, and
her eyes rested upon the
period at the end of the
last line, till she seemed
to be meditating a full stop. “He was; but he was n't a
propergander, nor an oilygarchist, or an avaritionist, nor
a demigod, as some of 'em are; all he wanted was an exercise
of his sufferings and the use of his elective French
eyes, as he used to say. Ah, Heaven rest him!” exclaimed
she, as her eyes rose from the period at the bottom
of the bill and rested on the top of the fence. “But did
he never get an office, Mrs. P.?” we asked. “Yes,
replied she, and we fancied the tone of her voice had an
expression of triumph in it — enough to be perceptible,
like three drops of paregoric in a teaspoonful of water —
“yes, he was put one year for a hogreefer, and got
neglected.” As we were about asking her opinion of the


Page 201
new constitution, Ike came along whistling “Jordan”
and swinging a pint of milk, in a tin pail, around his
head, and the old lady forgot her politics in her solicitude
about Ike's soiling his new cap.