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Page 228


[ILLUSTRATION] [Description: 677EAF. Page 228. In-line Illustration. Image of an old woman shaking hands with Chang and Eng, the famous Siamese twins.]

MESSRS. Chang and Eng
— those interesting exotics,
from whose land
all the golden fountains
and talking lauras, and
singing trees that graced
our juvenile literature
were derived — were
much gratified by an introduction
to Mrs. Partington,
one of whom
assured her that he had
heard of her in Siam
many years ago, but the other did n't recollect about it.
On informing her of their intention to go to Saratoga or
Newport the coming summer, the old dame wondered at
the determination.

“How crowded you will be!” said she, “accommodations
are so scarce; though, I dare say, you could,
upon a 'mergency, both sleep in one bed.”

The suggestion was a happy one — all the difficulty
was removed in an instant — and the dual gentleman
smiled a thankee with his four lips, and Mrs. Partington
waved a parting benediction to him with her green cotton
umbrella, as he disappeared in the crowd.