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Page 262


It was with an anxious feeling that Mrs. Partington,
having smoked her specs, directed her gaze towards the
western sky, in quest of the tailless comet of 1850.

“I can't see it,” said she; and a shade of vexation
was perceptible in the tone of her voice. “I don't think
much of this explanatory system,” continued she, “that
they praise so, where the stars are mixed up so that I
can't tell Jew Peter from Satan, nor the consternation
of the Great Bear from the man in the moon. 'T is all
dark to me. I don't believe there is any comet at all.
Who ever heard of a comet without a tail, I should like
to know? It is n't natural; but the printers will make
a tale for it fast enough, for they are always getting up
comical stories.”

With a complaint about the falling dew, and a slight
murmur of disappointment, the dame disappeared behind
a deal door, like the moon behind a cloud.

Among the Roman priesthood was a class called
augurs. There are many great bores among our modern