University of Virginia Library

c) Violoncellos.

Violoncellos, representing the tenor-bass range + an extra-high
compass are more often entrusted with tense passionate cantabile
melody than with distinctive figures or rapid phrases. Such melodies
are usually laid out for the top string (A) which possesses
a wonderfully rich "chest" quality.


  • Antar 56. Cantabile on the A string.
  • Antar 63. The same melody in D♭ maj. on the D string
    (doubled by the bassoons).
  • No. 7. Pan Voyevoda 134, nocturne, "Moonlight". A broad
    melody dolce ed espressivo, afterwards doubled by the first violins
    an octave higher.
  • No. 8. Snegourotchka 231. At the fifth bar, a melody on the
    A string cantabile ed espressivo, imitating the first clarinet.
  • No. 9. Snegourotchka 274. Melodic phrase with embellishments.