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A history of Caroline county, Virginia

from its formation in 1727 to 1924

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Rev. Andrew V. Borkey, second son of B. F. Borkey and Sarah
Jane Selph, was born July 19, 1889. His maternal ancestors, the
Selphs and Pavys, were from England and France respectively.
His grandfather, John Anderson Selph, III, married Sarah Ann
Pavy (originally Pave') and had issue: Edgar William, Mary
Frances, Virginia Ann, George W., Emma Ellen, Sarah Jane,
(Dr. Borkey's mother) Eva Lillian, John Anderson, IV, Milton
Linwood, Carrie Floyd, Collins McRae and Arthur Byrum. His
great grandfather, John G. Pavy, was born in 1815 and was the
son of John G. Pave who served eleven years with Napoleon.
He crossed the Alps with the renowned warrior and was in the
shivering, starving, dying army in its disastrous retreat from
Moscow. He was finally captured by the English and with 180
others sent to America to fight the colonists. The ship was
wrecked coming into the American port and Pave, with 24 of
his companions, swam ashore. He then enlisted in the army of
the Revolution which he had been sent to fight, and so was once
more arrayed against the ancient enemy.

The Rev. Mr. Borkey was privately tutored in Bowling Green
after which he entered the College of William and Mary. Upon
graduation he became principal of the high school at Surry Courthouse


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where he remained four years. He then entered Crozer
Theological Seminary from which he was graduated after four
years. During this time he also did some advanced work in the
University of Pennsylvania. He served as chaplain in the United
States Army during the latter days of the World War, and afterward
was Secretary of the Industrial Y. M. C. A. at Jewel Ridge,
Va. He married Miss Irene Hunter of Polk, Pa., and became
pastor of North Chester Baptist church in 1922. In 1924 he
became the associate of Dr. Russell Conwell at the Baptist Temple
of Philadelphia. Mr. Borkey has ten brothers and one sister:
Benjamin F., Malcolm R., Cecil E., John Earl, Floyd H., Harold
V., Edgar Clyde, Wm. Ervin, Guy Ollie, Richard L. and Sarah