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C2r (p. 11)

  • Line 1: "Op. What are these?"; line 10 has "assavlted"
    • Left parenthesis of page number beyond the right end of the first line
    • (Reimposed*): left parenthesis of page number over "?" of the first line
  • (Reset except for parts of lines 5–9): line 1: "Op. What are these?"; line 10
    has "assaulted"
  • (Reimposed*, partly reset): line 1: "After the Dotterells be caught, by"
    [Probably the latest version because the bowlers now have something to do.
    The directions for the Quixote/Sancho figures are revised and reset in type
    smaller than the surrounding text, and the altercation with the gentleman
    and his servant is deleted.]