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The three tours of Doctor Syntax

In search of 1. The picturesque, 2. Of consolation, 3. Of a wife. The text complete. [By William Combe] With four illustrations

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At length another year pass'd o'er Just as the last had done before:
Syntax ne'er utter'd a complaint, And Madam was a perfect saint.
The gout indeed gave hints, though slight,
Just to disturb his sleepy night,
And certain feels to her would say, Upon a cold and shiv'ring day,
You're not so young, fair dame, we trow,
As you were twenty years ago:
But then, all these complaints to smother,
They were such nurses to each other!
The foundling also 'gan to walk, And which was better still to talk:
Nay, Mrs. Syntax oft would quote His sayings in imperfect note;
Was pleas'd when he could say, “Your Tah!
But more so when he said “Mamma!
A fondling sound that did appear So pleasing to her ready ear.