The Cavalier daily. Thursday, November 21, 1968 | ||
Brawdy Backdrop
Miss Tucciarone was right about
that pornographic backdrop at the
Openings dance "depicting a naked
brawd, yes brawd, with mammary
glands that would have put a
Ubangi to shame (The Cavalier
Daily, November 20). In case she
didn't hear, I would like to let her
know that the consequences of this
tasteless display were catastrophic.
First of all I saw at least two
hundred of the younger girls rush
out of the gym screaming as soon as
they caught sight of the lewd picture.
They found the backdrop so
repulsive that they fled from their
dates, took the first bus back to
school, and vowed never to return
to U. Va. (that horrible den of
iniquity). Many of those boys and
girls who stayed on to hear the
music could be seen blushing and
squirming because of the offense to
their tender sensibilities.
But unfortunately the pornographic
backdrop began to wreak
even greater havoc at the dance. U.
Va. men and their innocent dates
became so stimulated by the eroticism
of the display that at about
11:00 hundreds of them tore off
their tastefully selected clothing
and ran naked from the gym to
spend the night in an orgy of sex
and violence on the plush green
clay of the tennis courts. At midnight
there was only one couple left
in the gym listening to Spencer
Davis. I asked the Virginia Gentleman
what he thought of the pornographic
backdrop and he shouted in
my ear, "Big Deal!" His date added,
"Man this music really grooves,"
and danced a bit.
Graduate English
The Cavalier daily. Thursday, November 21, 1968 | ||