University of Virginia Library


27. What tidings bringest thou?

What tidings bringest thou, messenger,
Of Christës birth this yearës day?


A babe is born of high nature,
Is Prince of peace and ever shall be;
Of heaven and earth he hath the cure,
His lordship is eternity;
Such wonder tidings ye mow hear;
What tidings bringest thou messenger?
That man is made now Goddës fere,
Whom sin had made but fiendës prey.


A seemly sight it is to see:
The burd that hath this babe y-born
Conceivëd a lord of high degree,
And maiden as she was beforn.
Such wonder tidings ye mow hear:
What tidings bringest thou, messenger?
That maid and mother is one y-fere
And alway lady of high array.


This maid began to greeten her child,
And said: Hail Son, hail Father dear!
He said: Hail mother, hail maidë mild!
This greeting was in quaint manner.
Such wonder tidings ye mow hear:
What tidings bringest thou, messenger?
Their greeting was in such manner,
It turnëd mannës pain to play.


A wonder thing is now befall:
That Lord that formëd star and sun,
Heaven and earth and angels all,
Now in mankind is begun.
Such wonder tidings ye mow hear:
What tidings bringest thou, messenger?
A 'fant that is not of one year
Ever hath y-be and shall be ay.